
提示您,本文原题为 -- 精品推荐:广东省造光绪元宝库平七钱二

同治十三年 , 公元1874年 , 清穆宗去世 , 慈禧太后迎立自己的胞妹(醇亲王福晋)的儿子入继为帝 , 改元光绪 。

Tongzhi thirteen years, AD 1874, the death of the Qing Muzong, Empress Dowager Cixi welcomed his sister (Prince Fujin alcohol) son to succeed as emperor, to change the Yuan Guangxu.

广东省造光绪元宝寿字双龙银币有两种版式 , 两种版式的银币设计风格一样 , 但是在细节上有很多区别 。 库平七钱二的版式 , 由于广东省当时铸造此币的目的是奉献清廷以祝慈禧太后万寿 , 所以铸额不大 , 大多奉献给清廷或赠于当时的达官显贵 , 民间流通的很少 , 真品凤毛麟角 。

There are two types of silver coins with the character "Shuanglong" in Guangxu, Guangdong Province. The design style of the two types of silver coins is the same, but there are many differences in details. Because the purpose of coining this coin in Guangdong Province at that time was to dedicate the Qing Dynasty to the longevity of Empress Dowager Cixi, the amount of coin was not large. Most of the coins were dedicated to the Qing Dynasty or to the dignified officials at that time, and few of them were circulated among the people.


精品推荐:广东省造光绪元宝库平七钱二// //

The front bead ring has four characters of "Guangxu Yuanbao" in Manchu and Chinese, four characters of "Made in Guangdong Province" on the outside of the bead ring, five words of "Kuping Qian 2" on the bottom, and bat patterns on the left and right sides. On the back of the bead ring, the word "longevity" is cast in a circle, and on the outside, the pattern of double dragon opera beads is cast. Because the word "bat" and the word "happiness" are homonymous, the bat pattern is coined on the coin, which is a homonym of the words "bat" and "happiness". It corresponds to the meaning of the word "longevity" on the back, which constitutes the meaning of "both happiness and longevity". This coin is well-formed, well-regulated, of good quality and is naturally encapsulated. The font and decoration are clear and distinguishable. The style of the font is fluent and the decoration is meticulous. Its color and luster are natural and delicate, whether in words or patterns. It is suitable for depth and shade, and its stock is scarce. It has a high collection value.

材质珍贵 , 艺术价值高 , 由贵重金属或白银合金铸造 , 制作精美 , 图案考究 , 文字清秀 , 内容丰富 , 其貌可人 , 也具有一定的保值和升值功能 。 随着收藏投资热的不断升温 , 银元在钱币市场中异常火爆 , 中国银元今后极大可能成为收藏投资领域中的一匹“黑马” 。

The material is precious and has high artistic value. It is cast by precious metals or silver alloys. It is exquisite in production, elegant in design, beautiful in writing, rich in content, beautiful in appearance, and has certain function of preservation and appreciation. With the increasing investment in collections, the silver dollar is very popular in the coin market. China's silver dollar is likely to become a "black horse" in the field of collections investment in the future.


精品推荐:广东省造光绪元宝库平七钱二// //

In the course of thousands of years'historical development of the Chinese nation, coins are numerous and varied, and now a coin culture system with oriental characteristics has been formed. The collection of coins has existed since ancient times, and the current collection market is still showing a thriving scene, which has caused a long wave of collection. Different coins have different characteristics, and they are very attractive in the market. Among them, Guangxu Yuanbao Shuanglongshou character in Guangdong Province is a well-known classical coin, which makes many coin collectors crazy and becomes a treasure for scramble.

目前藏品持有人欲将此珍品结缘于有缘之士 , 参加2019年美国高端精品拍卖会 , 有兴趣可预约贵宾名额 , 一览珍品风采!

At present, the holders of collections want to tie this treasure to those who have good luck to participate in the 2019 American high-end boutique auction. They are interested in appointing VIPs to have a look at the elegance of the treasures.