6月你好朋友圈说说◎6月你好朋友圈文案( 二 )

【6月你好朋友圈说说◎6月你好朋友圈文案】True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how litte we understand about life,ourselves,and the world around us.Hello in June!
在这个世界上 , 没有勇气你是做不成任何事情的 。它是仅次于荣誉的最伟大的心灵品质 。六月你好!
You will never do anything in this world without courage.it is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor.Hello in June!
人就像泥土 。它们要么滋养你 , 帮助你成长 , 要么阻碍你的成长 , 让你枯萎和死亡 。六月你好!
People are like dirt.they can either nourish you and help you grow as a person or they can stunt your growth and make you wilt and die.Hello in June!
幸福不在于财富 , 也不在于金钱 , 幸福在于灵魂 。六月你好!
Happiness resides not in possessions,and not in gold,happiness dwells in the soul.Hello in June!
自信应该永远与强烈的谦逊结伴而行 。六月你好!
Self-conficence should always ride side by side with a strong sense of humility.Hello in June!
你有能力控制你的思想 , 而不是外界的事件 。意识到这一点 。你会找到力量 。六月你好!
You have power over your mind-not outside events.realize this.and you will find strength.Hello in June!
选择一份你热爱的工作 , 你的一生中就不会有一天需要工作 。六月你好!
Choose a job you love,and you will never have to work a day in your life.Hello in June!