五一放假发朋友圈的说说◎五一放假发朋友圈文案( 二 )

1、五一到了,愿劳有所得,薪有所涨 。
When may day comes, I wish I could get something for my work and pay more.
2、五一假期乐,开启胖友圈五日游 。
Happy May Day holiday, open a five-day tour of fat circle of friends.
3、五一小长假来啦,我要出门扔个垃圾,顺便把坏心情也丢掉 。
May Day holiday is coming, I want to go out and throw a garbage, and throw away my bad mood by the way.
【五一放假发朋友圈的说说◎五一放假发朋友圈文案】May day is coming soon. Buy yourself a globe. The world is so big that you can not only have a look, but also turn around!
5、整整五天假啊!我还能什么都不干?事实证明我确实能 。
Five days off! What else can I do? It turns out I can.
6、一切乐境,都可由劳动得来,一切苦境,都可由劳动解脱 。
All happiness can be obtained by labor, and all adversity can be liberated by labor.
7、五一是128G的胃,因为美食,我的可爱又多了一吨 。
May day is a 128G stomach. Because of the delicious food, my lovely is one ton more.
8、世界上最光荣的事是劳动,世界上最体面的人是劳动者 。
The most glorious thing in the world is work, and the most respectable people in the world are workers.
9、五一谁来找我玩,包吃包住,白天逛街吃饭,晚上安排蹦迪五星级酒店,来的时候提前打个电话,我好关机 。
May day who come to me to play, package food package, shopping during the day to eat, at night arrangements for tiaodi five-star hotel, to call in advance when I come, I good power off.
10、一分耕耘,一分收获,荣光背后,写满努力 。
No pains, no gains, no efforts behind glory.
11、所有劳动最后一定会有好的收成,如果不好,那一定不是最后 。
All labor must have a good harvest in the end. If it is not good, it must not be the last.
12、劳动不是什么了不起的行为,但我们,却一起组成了了不起的城市 。
Labor is not a great behavior, but we, together, form a great city.
Pursuing dreams needs firmness, but it also needs short relaxation. I wish you a happy and relaxed May Day holiday!
14、不怕苦,不怕累,劳动最光荣,奉献精神最可贵 。
We are not afraid of hardship and tiredness. Labor is the most glorious and dedication is the most valuable.