
提示您,本文原题为 -- 永煊珍品推荐:袁世凯飞龙纪念铜币 , 四川造币厂造200文!

洪宪飞龙纪念铜币是铸造了袁世凯高缨像的中华帝国洪宪纪元飞龙铜币 。 915年12月12日 , 袁世凯宣布接受帝位 , 复辟帝制 , 废除共和政体 , 改中华民国为中华帝国 , 废除民国纪年 , 改民国五年(公元1916年)为洪宪元年 , 史称"洪宪帝制" 。 是年设计铸造了袁世凯高缨像中华帝国洪宪纪元飞龙铜币 。 该铜币由意大利雕版师鲁尔智·乔治雕模 , 天津造币厂铸造 。 锈气 , 成色高 , 含铜量为90% 。

袁世凯接受帝位后 , 开始大肆封官赐爵 , 改为新华宫 , 准备于1916年元旦正式登基 。 袁世凯的倒行逆施激起了全国人民公愤 。 一时间反帝制运动席卷全国 。 1915年12月25日 , 唐继尧、蔡锷、李烈钧在云南宣布独立 , 讨伐袁世凯背叛共和 , 护国战争爆发 。 袁世凯称帝的丑行使得北洋统治集团分崩离析 , 西方列强也表达了反对袁世凯称帝的立场 。 袁世凯众叛亲离 , 被迫在一片反对声中 , 于1916年3月22日宣布取消帝制 , 共做了83天没有正式登基的皇帝梦 , 于两个多月后的1916年6月6日病死 。 洪宪飞龙银币跟铜币即停止铸制发行 。

近期永煊收集到一枚中华民国袁世凯飞龙铜币 。 洪宪飞龙铜币正面为袁世凯九分脸正面及胸像 , 面部稍左侧 。 袁世凯身着大元帅服 , 头戴鹭羽高缨冠 , 胸前佩戴大勋章 。 背面中央为飞龙图案 , 上面镌“中华帝国”4字 , 下面镌“洪宪纪元”4字 , 齿边 。

飞龙币并没有面值 , 它是当时袁世凯称帝后赏赐给功臣们的 , 因为那段前史并不光彩而遭到天下人的厌弃 , 飞龙留念币在洪宪帝国消亡后被追缴熔毁后本来就为数不多的飞龙币 , 在袁世凯死去后遭到了熔毁 , 这也正是今日留存下来的飞龙银币跟铜币数量稀疏的原因 。 加之此枚铜币更加是稀少 , 难得看到的孤品钱币 , 也是称之为当时最早的一批试铸币 。


永煊珍品推荐:袁世凯飞龙纪念铜币 , 四川造币厂造200文!// //

袁世凯复辟帝制是历史的倒退 , 是中国近代史上的大事 。 袁世凯称帝仅83天 , 在中国历史上 , 极其短暂 。 飞龙币正是袁世凯复辟称帝倒行逆施这一特殊历史事件的重要见证!由于王朝的短暂,当年铸造的洪宪飞龙币数量并不多,然而飞龙铜币更是少见到的精品 , 加之又是名家雕刻(乔治),诸多原因成就了今天飞龙币尊贵的价值所在!

钱币正面为袁世凯九分脸正面及胸像 , 面部稍左侧 , 袁世凯身着大元帅服 , 头戴鹭羽冠 , 胸前佩戴大勋章 。 背面中央为飞龙 , 上面镌“中华帝国” , 下面镌“洪宪纪元” , 制作精美 。 细观此银币保存完好 , 铸工精美 , 纹饰图案清晰 , 设计具有明显的帝王色彩 , 同时又与西方技术相结合 , 经过我集团权威专家鉴赏为真品 , 是非常值得收藏投资的一枚钱币 。


永煊珍品推荐:袁世凯飞龙纪念铜币 , 四川造币厂造200文!// //

中华民国二年四川造币厂造双旗贰百文铜币 , 藏品虽经历了无穷岁月 , 但纹路依然清晰可见 , 上面的包浆也见证了其历史的积淀 , 具有非常明显的历史过渡性特征 , 有着难以言喻的收藏价值 。 铜币保存较好 , 钱文、轮廓的清晰程度较好 , 具有很高的历史价值、艺术价值和收藏价值 。

In the second year of the Republic of China, Sichuan Mint made double flags and cheap hundred-character copper coins. Although the collection has gone through endless years, the patterns are still clearly visible. The pulp on it also witnesses its historical accumulation. It has a very obvious historical transitional characteristics and has an indescribable collection value. Copper coins are well preserved, and the clarity of the coins and outlines is good. They have high historical value, artistic value and collection value.


永煊珍品推荐:袁世凯飞龙纪念铜币 , 四川造币厂造200文!// //

双旗二百文曲缨版亦有红、黄铜质两种 。 黄铜质者皆较多见 , 红铜的是比较少见到的 , 双旗二百文曲缨版存世量稍多 。 民国7年(1918)“防区制”实行后 , 四川境内各地军阀纷纷自设造币工厂 , 购置机具 , 滥铸铜元 。 各地军阀铸造之铜元 , 在民国15年(1926)之前 , 多为大面额“汉”版一百文及双旗二百文铜元 。 双旗二百文即此类曲缨版 。 因此 , 曲缨版双旗二百文可分之小版式 , 远多于直缨版双旗二百文 。 曲缨版双旗二百文之黄铜质者 , 其雕模之精细程度 , 铸工之佳好程度 , 皆不及四川造币厂早期铸造之直缨版双旗二百文红铜质者 , 这与各地军阀滥铸双旗二百文铜元不无关系 。 而曲缨版双旗二百文红铜质者 , 其铸工却远胜直缨版双旗二百文红铜质者 , 这又是因为此时各地军阀私铸铜元已非其早期规模 , 其铸造工艺已达到较为正规的程度 。

There are also two kinds of red and brass versions of Shuangqi 200 Wenqu Miao. Red and brass are common. There is a slightly larger stock of the two hundred versions of Wenqu Miao in Shuangqi. After the implementation of the "defense zone system" in the Republic of China in 7 years (1918), warlords all over Sichuan set up their own coin factories, purchased machines and minted copper dollars indiscriminately. Before the fifteen years of the Republic of China (1926), most of the copper coins cast by warlords in various places were 100 coppers in the large-denomination "Han" edition and 200 coppers in the double banners. Two hundred languages with two flags are the same version of this kind of music. Therefore, the two-hundred-banner version of Qumiao edition can be divided into smaller formats, far more than the two-hundred-banner version of direct-reel edition. The fine degree of sculpture and the good degree of founders of the two-hundred-character brass in Qumiao edition are inferior to those of the two-hundred-character brass in Sichuan Mint in its early stage. This is not unrelated to the excessive casting of two-hundred-character brass yuan by warlords everywhere. However, the founders of the two hundred Wenhong copper in Qumiao edition are far better than those of the two hundred Wenhong copper in Zhimiao edition. This is because at this time, the warlords around the country had not cast the copper yuan privately on their early scale, and their casting technology has reached a more regular level.


永煊珍品推荐:袁世凯飞龙纪念铜币 , 四川造币厂造200文!// //

此藏品为四川造币厂造双旗币贰百文 , 重点此枚是难得看到的红铜贰百文双旗币 , 民国成立后 , 铜元仍继续大量流通使用 。 1914年 , 铜元正式改称“铜币” , 民国发行的铜币与清最大的区别是龙纹被换成了由稻穗组成的嘉禾纹 。 各省铸造的铜元大多为两面叉的国旗图案 , 并有“开国纪念币”或“中华民国”字样 。 藏品币正面图案中央为两面交叉的国旗 , 背面图案为稻穗组成的嘉禾纹 , 嘉禾纹中央为贰百文 , 上环写中华民国二年 , 下环写四川造币厂造 。 此枚红铜币现存世量极少 , 具有很高的收藏价值和投资价值 。 此枚红铜双旗币历经岁月的洗礼 , 但纹路依然清晰可见 , 上面的红铜锈迹也见证了其历史的积淀 , 具有非常明显的历史过渡性特征 , 有着难以言喻的收藏价值 。 本枚铜币保存完好 , 钱文、轮廓 的清晰程度好 , 具有很高的历史价值、艺术价值和收藏价值 。 值得广大钱币收藏爱好者投资收藏 。 如需收藏购买 , 请与永煊公司客服联系 , 我们将竭诚为您服务 。

This collection is a double-flag coin made by the Sichuan Mint. The focus is on the rare red copper double-flag coin. After the establishment of the Republic of China, copper coins continued to be used in large quantities. In 1914, the copper yuan was officially renamed the "copper coin." The biggest difference between the copper coins issued by the Republic of China and the Qing Dynasty was that the dragon pattern was replaced by the Jiahe pattern composed of rice ears. Most of the copper coins cast in the provinces are two-sided national flag patterns and have the words "founding commemorative coins" or "Republic of China." The center of the front pattern of the collection coin is the national flag that crosses both sides. The pattern on the back is the Jiahe pattern composed of rice ears. The center of the collection is Jiahewen. The ring is written in the second year of the Republic of China, and the lower ring is written in the Sichuan Mint. This red copper coin has very little existing world value and has a high collection value and investment value. After years of baptism, this red copper double flag coin is still clearly visible, and the red copper rust on it also witnessed the accumulation of its history. It has very obvious historical transitional features and has indescribable collection value. The copper coin is well preserved, the clarity of the text and outline is good, and it has high historical value, artistic value and collection value. It is worth investing in the collection of a large number of coin collectors. For collection, please contact the company customer service, we will serve you wholeheartedly.


永煊珍品推荐:袁世凯飞龙纪念铜币 , 四川造币厂造200文!// //

孙中山就任中华民国临时大总统 , 并提出要“另刊新模 , 鼓铸纪念币” , 随后武昌和南京两处造币厂率先铸行了“中华民国开国纪念币”铜元辅币 , 以十文面值的为主 , 在全国大量发行以取代清朝铜元 。

Sun Yat-sen took office as interim president of the Republic of China and proposed to "publish a new model and make commemorative coins by drum". Then two mints in Wuchang and Nanjing took the lead in coining the "commemorative coins of the founding of the Republic of China" copper coins, mainly in ten denominations, which were issued nationwide in large quantities to replace the Qing Dynasty copper coins.

双旗币产生于民国时期 , 民国在我国前史上仅仅存在了几十年的时间 , 因而 , 在混乱不安的时代 , 钱币在阅历了无穷的年月以后 , 仍然能够完好地保留下来 , 实属不易 , 而且这枚红铜的具有很高的前史文物保藏价值、以及文化艺术交融范畴展开了许多富有成效的立异探究 。

Dual-flag coins originated in the Republic of China, and only existed for decades in the prehistory of the Republic of China. Therefore, in an era of chaos and uneasiness, coins can still be well preserved after endless years, which is not easy. It has high preservation value of prehistoric cultural relics, as well as cultural and artistic blending, many fruitful innovative explorations have been carried out.

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