
提示您,本文原题为 -- 百家文藏网特辑精品鉴赏:玉雕链瓶、孙中山开国纪念币等

百家文藏网立足于传统艺术品交易模式 , 以互联网为媒介 , 顺应互联网+文化艺术的行业大趋势 。 致力于通过建立完善的线上诚信公开的展示体系 , 树立一个高标准的行业规范 , 能够实现多方共赢的专业艺术品第三方线上平台 。




百家文藏网特辑精品鉴赏:玉雕链瓶、孙中山开国纪念币等// //


百家文藏网特辑精品鉴赏:玉雕链瓶、孙中山开国纪念币等// //


百家文藏网特辑精品鉴赏:玉雕链瓶、孙中山开国纪念币等// //

【品相(Phase)】 ——品相完好(Good condition)

【类别(category)】—— 玉器(Jade)

【规格(specification)】—— 高260mm宽100cc重量 大于160克(A height of 260 mm and a width of 100 cc weigh more than 160 grams)

【来源(source)】 ——袁老师(Teacher Yuan )

藏品简介(Introduction to the collection): 

杨光是玉界享有盛誉的器皿件高手 , 执著于炉瓶器皿的创作设计 , 他的器皿作品 , 既有传统器皿端庄厚重的特点 , 亦融入了玉料细腻温润的元素 , 兼有“北方之雄 , 南方之秀”的艺术特点;在继承青铜器、陶器、瓷器等传统艺术造型的基础上 , 传承创新 , 在造型上形成了古朴厚重、端庄大气 , 工艺上精致细腻、灵秀流畅的创作风格 , 作品造型新颖、题材别致 , 颇具功力 。

玉在古代是君子的象征 , 君子如玉高洁 , 玉如君子正直 。 “乾坤有精物 , 至宝无文章;雕琢为世器 , 真性一朝伤” 。 大师的磨砺过程正如一块温润有光的美玉一样 , 经过了时间的沉淀 , 方能宠辱不惊 。

(Yang Guang is a renowned master of utensils in the world of jade. He is persistent in the creation and design of stove and bottle utensils. His utensils not only have the solemn and solemn characteristics of traditional utensils, but also incorporate the delicate and warm elements of jade, and have the artistic characteristics of "the hero of the north and the beauty of the south". On the basis of inheriting the traditional artistic forms of bronze, pottery and porcelain, he inherits and innovates in the shape of the utensils. It has become a simple, dignified and elegant creative style with exquisite and delicate craftsmanship, novel shape and unique theme.

Jade is the symbol of a gentleman in ancient times. A gentleman is as noble as jade and as upright as a gentleman. "There are precious things in heaven and earth, but there are no articles; when carved into earthly objects, the truth will be hurt once". Master's sharpening process is just like a warm and glorious jade, after the precipitation of time, it can be spoiled and not startled.)



百家文藏网特辑精品鉴赏:玉雕链瓶、孙中山开国纪念币等// //


百家文藏网特辑精品鉴赏:玉雕链瓶、孙中山开国纪念币等// //

【品相(Phase)】 ——品相完好(Good condition)

【类别(category)】—— 钱币(coin)

【规格(specification)】—— 暂无(Nothing)

【来源(source)】 ——孟老师(Teacher Meng )

藏品简介(Introduction to the collection): 

中华民国开国纪念币是1911年12月29 日经辛亥革命后 , 光复的17省代表在南京推选孙中山为中华民国临时大总统 。 民国成立时鼓铸的纪念币 。 由于币制尚未建立 , 除四川改铸大汉银币 , 福建改铸中华元宝外 , 主要的造币厂 , 大都仍沿用前清钢模铸造银币 , 以供流通需要 。 由于币制混乱 , 临时政府财政部长陈锦涛 , 于民国元年3月11日呈文大总统孙中山 , 鼓铸10万元纪念银币以为整顿 。 图案采用大总统孙中山肖像 , 以后的通用银币再改花纹式样 。 孙中山令财政部行文 , 同意鼓铸纪念币 , 并命令其余的通用银币新花纹 , “中间应绘五谷模型 , 取丰岁足民之义 , 垂劝农务本之规” , 训令财政部速制新模 , 分令各省造币厂照式鼓铸 。 不久 , 财政部就颁下新模给江南(南京)、湖北、广东等造币厂依式铸造 , 这就是“中华民国孙中山像开国纪念币”的由来 。

(The commemorative coin of the founding of the Republic of China was chosen by 17 provincial representatives in Nanjing as provisional president of the Republic of China after the 1911 Revolution on 29 December 1911. A commemorative coin coined by the drum at the founding of the Republic of China. As the currency system has not yet been established, except for Sichuan and Fujian, the main coin factories still use the former steel mould to cast silver coins for circulation. Due to currency confusion, Chen Jintao, Minister of Finance of the Interim Government, presented to Sun Yat-sen, President of Wenda, on March 11, the first year of the Republic of China, to coin 100,000 yuan of commemorative silver coins for rectification. The design is based on the portrait of Sun Yat-sen, the great president. Later, the general silver coins were changed into patterns. Sun Yat-sen ordered the Ministry of Finance to make commemorative coins, and ordered the other common silver coins to be coined with new patterns. "In the middle, we should draw five grain models, take the meaning of being rich and full of the people, and advocate the rules of the farming industry." He instructed the Ministry of Finance to make new models quickly, and ordered the provincial mints to do the same. Soon after, the Ministry of Finance issued a new model for the mints of Jiangnan (Nanjing), Hubei and Guangdong, which is the origin of "Sun Yat-sen of the Republic of China like the founding commemorative coin".)

三:光绪元宝 (库平七钱二分)


百家文藏网特辑精品鉴赏:玉雕链瓶、孙中山开国纪念币等// //


百家文藏网特辑精品鉴赏:玉雕链瓶、孙中山开国纪念币等// //

【品相(Phase)】 ——品相完好(Good condition)



【来源(source)】 ——肖老师(Teacher Xiao)

藏品简介(Introduction to the collection):

光绪元宝“北洋造”钱币 , 直径:3.8cm 。 钱面:珠圈内满汉文“光绪元宝” , 圈外上环“北洋造" , 下环“库平七钱二分” , 左右各一圆点心 。 钱背:中心为蟠龙图 , 上下环英文 , 左侧有阿拉伯数字“29” , 左右各一圆点心 。

光绪元宝是大清光绪年流通大面值货币之首 , 是我国首批引进海外技术的印发流通货币 , 对于现今也蕴藏了一定历史意义 。 北洋造光绪元宝北洋龙洋在中国近代机器铸币史上属一个大系列 , 其铸期历时甚长(从光绪22年—光绪34年[1896至1908年]) , 历经十余载 , 币模几经更替 , 即使同一铸造年份亦往往由于修模、币材、工艺技术、工厂管理等诸多因素 , 造成版别异常繁杂 。

(Guangxu Yuanbao "Beiyang Made" coin, diameter: 3.8cm. Money Face: Manchu and Chinese "Guangxu Yuanbao" in the Pearl circle, Beiyang made in the outer circle and Kuping seven-dime in the lower circle, each with a round snack. Qianbei: The center is Panlong Diagram. The upper and lower rings are in English. On the left is the Arabic numeral "29", with a round snack on each side.

Guangxu Yuanbao is the first large denomination currency circulated in Guangxu year of the Great Qing Dynasty. It is the first circulation currency to introduce overseas technology in China. It also has certain historical significance for today. Beiyang Guangxu Yuanbao Beiyang Longyang belongs to a large series in the history of modern machine coinage in China. Its founding period is very long (from 22 years of Guangxu to 34 years of Guangxu [1896-1908]). After more than ten years, the coin models have been replaced several times. Even in the same foundry year, it is often due to many factors such as repairing models, currency materials, technology, factory management and so on, resulting in unusually complicated editions.)



百家文藏网特辑精品鉴赏:玉雕链瓶、孙中山开国纪念币等// //


百家文藏网特辑精品鉴赏:玉雕链瓶、孙中山开国纪念币等// //

【品相(Phase)】 ——品相完好(Good condition)

【类别(category)】—— 杂项(Miscellaneous)

【规格(specification)】—— 暂无(Nothing)

【来源(source)】 ——包老师(Teacher Bao )

藏品简介(Introduction to the collection):

奇石,异也 , 有别于一般者为“奇”一般泛指经过天然形成的 , 大自然雕琢、洗炼的 , 石形独特 , 石色鲜艳 , 石质细腻 , 纹理图案优美 , 具有观赏性以及收藏价值、经济价值、美学价值极高的石品 , 都可称为奇石,“奇”也指奇石的最大特征在于:奇石不仅需要具备天然性 , 还要具备自然性 , 简单的说 , 就是石头未经过任何人工雕琢 , 修饰或人为加工合成岩石破碎为一定块度后,经地下水长时期溶蚀,有的就能形成可供观赏的奇石 。 它形成后原地保存,并被泥沙埋藏起来,这才能保证不被风化破坏 。 要寻找山石类供石,首先应了解所需石种的石脉走向,范围路也应大致确定 。 然后到山坡上有形成和保存条件的地段去找 , 有时在新滑被处更易找到,因为自然力已为我们扒开了复土层 。 采集山石应主要采用挖掘的方法,其好处一是可以保存原石的完整性,二是不会破坏自然景观 。 露头石较易挖掘,深藏石则非得有齐整的装备及较强的人力才能动手 。 有的石种,非钢锯、斧凿不能采取,也应抱着谨慎观察的态度 。 首先要明了是否违反当地政府有关水土保持之禁令,用硬力采集后对当地自然景观是否起到破坏作用,其次是采集的部位、角度要明确,大而无当反不如小而精巧 。

(Strange stone, strange also, different from ordinary people as "strange" generally refers to natural formation, nature carved, refined, unique stone shape, bright stone color, fine stone, graceful texture patterns, with ornamental and collection value, economic value, aesthetic value of stone, can be called "strange" stone, also refers to the greatest characteristics of strange stone is: Stone not only need to have Naturality, but also have naturalness, in short, stone without any artificial carving, modification or artificial processing synthetic rock fragmentation into a certain size, after a long period of underground water dissolution, some can form spectacular rocks. After its formation, it is preserved in situ and buried by sediment, which can ensure that it is not destroyed by weathering. In order to find the rock supply for mountain rocks, we should first understand the trend of the veins of the required rocks and roughly determine the scope and route. Then go to the hillside where conditions of formation and preservation exist, and sometimes it's easier to find new slides, because nature has stripped the compound soil for us. The main method of collecting rocks should be excavation. The first advantage is that the integrity of the original rocks can be preserved, and the second advantage is that the natural landscape will not be destroyed. Outcrop stones are easier to dig, while deep-seated stones require neat equipment and strong manpower to do so. Some kinds of stone, not steel saw, axe and chisel can not be adopted, should also be cautious observation attitude. First of all, it is necessary to know whether it violates the local government's prohibition on Soil and water conservation, and whether hard collection has destructive effect on the local natural landscape. Second, the location and angle of collection should be clear, which is smaller and more delicate than large and inappropriate.)



百家文藏网特辑精品鉴赏:玉雕链瓶、孙中山开国纪念币等// //

【品相(Phase)】 ——品相完好(Good condition)

【类别(category)】—— 钱币(coin)

【规格(specification)】—— 暂无(Nothing)

【来源(source)】 ——姜老师(Teacher Jiang )

藏品简介(Introduction to the collection):

大清铜币 , 学名清代机制铜圆 , 钱面中央有“大清铜币”四个汉字 , 内嵌一小字代表地名 , 上端是满文“大清铜币”字样 , 两侧为年份 。 边缘中间分别“户部”二汉字 , 下端为“当制钱十文” 。 钱背中央为蟠龙 , 上端是“光绪(或宣统)年造” , 下端英文“Tai-Ching Ti-Kuo Copper Coin”字样(大清帝国铜币) 。 各地铸造比较统一 。 铸造始于1900年(清光绪二十六年) , 止于1911年(宣统三年) , 流通时间较短 。 因其版面设计优雅 , 雕刻精良 , 且存世量极为稀少 , 大清铜币光绪年户部造当十被誉为中国近代制币中的十大名誉品之一 。 (The Qing Dynasty copper coin, the scientific name of the Qing Dynasty mechanism copper circle, the central side of the money face has four characters of "big Qing copper coin", embedded a small word for the place name, the upper end is the Manchu "big clear copper coin", the two sides are the year. In the middle of the margin, there are two Chinese characters in the “Family Department”, and the lower end is “When the money is written”. The center of the money back is the dragon, the upper end is "Guangxu (or Xuantong) year", the lower end of the English "Tai-Ching Ti-Kuo Copper Coin" (Da Qing Empire copper coin). Casting everywhere is more uniform. Foundry began in 1900 (26th year of Guangxu Emperor Guangxu), ending in 1911 (three years of Xuantong), and the circulation time was short. Because of its elegant layout, excellent carving, and extremely rare deposits, the Daqing Copper Coin Guangxu Years Department was regarded as one of the top ten reputations in China's modern currency.)


百家文藏网特辑精品鉴赏:玉雕链瓶、孙中山开国纪念币等// //