
提示您,本文原题为 -- 本溪市细粮票一组

粮票是20世纪50年代至85年代中国在特定经济时期发放的一种购粮凭证 , 那时它与人们的生活息息相关 。 中国最早实行的票证种类是粮票、食用油票、布票等 。 粮票作为一种实际的有价证券 , 在中国使用达40多年 , 随着社会的发展 , 它退出历史舞台 。

The food stamp was a kind of food purchase certificate issued by China during the specific economic period from the 1950s to the 85s, when it was closely related to people's lives. The earliest types of tickets in China were food stamps, edible oil tickets, and cloth tickets. As a practical securities, food stamps have been used in China for more than 40 years. With the development of society, it has withdrawn from the historical arena.


本溪市细粮票一组// //

粮票作为特殊年代的特殊产物 , 是物质生产力低下的见证 。 老一辈对粮票记忆犹新 。 在1950年到1985年间 , 粮票一度成为每家的命根子 , 是生活的必需物 。 那时候不仅吃饭要粮票 , 买布、生活用品需要粮票 , 就连发工资都是发的粮票 。

As a special product of a special era, food stamps are a testimony to the low material productivity. The older generation remembered the food stamps. Between 1950 and 1985, food stamps became the lifeblood of each family and were essential for life. At that time, not only did you need food stamps for food, but you also need food stamps for cloth and daily necessities, and even food stamps for wages.


本溪市细粮票一组// //

文中此本溪市细粮票一组 , 分别为1989年的50、100、250以及500克粮票各一张 。 而在这些粮票多次出现的地点为本溪火车站 , 原名孟家堡站 , 始建于1907年 , 沈丹铁路、辽溪铁路、溪田铁路、沈丹客运专线交会于此 。 上世纪70年代 , 伪满时期扩建的本溪站站房被全部拆除 , 建设者仿造北京火车站对其进行重建 , 因此本溪站也有“小北京站”的称谓 , 因此这些粮票有很重要的纪念意义 , 尤显珍贵 。

In this article, a group of fine food tickets in Benxi City, one for each of the 50, 100, 250 and 500 grams of food stamps in 1989. The Benxi Railway Station, originally known as Mengjiabao Station, was built in 1907. The Shendan Railway, Liaoxi Railway, Xitian Railway and Shendan Passenger Line meet here. In the 1970s, the station building of Benxi Station, which was expanded during the Puppet Manchurian period, was completely demolished. The builders copied the Beijing Railway Station to rebuild it. Therefore, Benxi Station also has the title of “Little Beijing Station”, so these food stamps have important commemorations. The meaning is especially precious.


本溪市细粮票一组// //

在六十年代 , 由于我们国家特殊的国情 , 当时粮票作为一种有价证券进行发行的 , 在我们国家使用时间相对也比较长 , 因此历史意义也比较大 。 但是随着时代的不断变迁发展 , 粮票也慢慢退出了历史舞台 , 越来越多的人看到收藏粮票 , 也能通过增值 , 获得更大利润空间 。 所以我们会看到现在有很多收藏者愿意收藏粮票 , 认为今后的升值空间会越来越大 。

In the 1960s, due to the special national conditions of our country, the food stamps were issued as a kind of securities at the time, and the time of use in our country was relatively long, so the historical significance was relatively large. However, with the constant changes and developments of the times, food stamps have gradually withdrawn from the historical arena. More and more people are seeing the collection of food stamps, and they can gain more profit by adding value. Therefore, we will see that many collectors are willing to collect food stamps now, and believe that the future appreciation space will become larger and larger.