十大名誉钱币之—:户部大清铜币 鄂字版

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十大名誉钱币之—:户部大清铜币 鄂字版

十大名誉钱币之—:户部大清铜币 鄂字版// //


名称:户部大清铜币 鄂字版

规 格:直径:2.8cm 重7.8g

十大名誉钱币之—:户部大清铜币 鄂字版

十大名誉钱币之—:户部大清铜币 鄂字版// //

十大名誉钱币之—:户部大清铜币 鄂字版

十大名誉钱币之—:户部大清铜币 鄂字版// //

大清铜币 , 学名清代机制铜圆 , 铸造始于1900年(清光绪二十六年) , 止于1911年(宣统三年) 。 铸造流通时间尽管只有十余年 , 但其鼎盛时期全国共有十七省二十局开机铸造铜圆 。

此币大清铜币直径:2.8cm;重:7.8g 。 此币为铜质机制铸币 , 钱币正面中心直读“大清铜币” , 其中间有“鄂”字 , 即湖北省的简称 , 珠圈外上有满文及“己”、“ 酉” , 下有“当制钱十文” , 中间左右两侧有“户”、“部” 。 背面中心雕刻有精致的蟠龙 , 珠圈外上有“宣统年造” , 英文余为TAI-CHING-TI-KUO COPPER COIN 。 此币是清代宣统年间湖北省所造 , 制作精良 , 品相好 , 极具收藏价值 。 “ 大清铜币”,背面是一条栩栩如生的神龙 。 在中国,收藏家极其喜欢这枚钱币,因为中华民族是龙的传人,在民间传说,“大清铜币”背面的龙,能增加一个人的气运,使其时刻在龙气的保护下,趋吉避凶 。 所以这枚钱币一直深受收藏家的喜爱 。

另附加:本平台举办的交易活动 , 七天前对本展品进行购买的买受人可以由委托人再赠送一枚珍藏稀有钱币 。

Daqing Copper Coin, scientific name of the Qing Dynasty mechanism copper round, casting began in 1900(26th year of Qing Emperor Guangxu) and ended in 1911(Xuantong three years). Although the casting circulation time was only more than ten years, during its peak period, there were 17 provinces and 20 bureaus in the country.

This coin large copper coin diameter: 2.8 cm; Weight: 7.8 G. This coin is a copper mechanism coin, and the center of the coin is directly read in the front of the coin. There is the word "E" in the middle, that is, the abbreviation of Hubei Province. There are Manchu and "self" and "<UNK>" outside the bead circle. There are "ten texts when making money", There are "households" and "departments" on the left and right sides of the middle. The center of the back is carved with exquisite dragons, and the "Xuantong Year" is on the outside of the bead circle. The English language is Yuwei. This coin was made in Hubei Province during the Xuantong period of the Qing Dynasty. It is well-made, good in quality, and has great collection value. "Big clear copper coin", the back is a lifelike Dragon. In China, collectors like this coin very much, because the Chinese nation is the descendant of the Dragon, in folklore, the dragon on the back of the "big clear copper coin" can increase a person's luck, so that it is always under the protection of the dragon gas, to avoid evil. So this coin has always been a favorite of collectors.

Additional: For transactions organized by this platform, buyers who purchased this exhibit seven days ago can receive a rare coin from the client.