提示您,本文原题为 -- 雅思听力中的Section4场景覆盖 , 气象类题目怎么解!
雅思听力中的Section4场景覆盖广泛 , 比如剑桥14的一篇S4就出现了气象方面的题目 , 主题相对抽象 , 很多单词同学们都不太熟知 , 导致做题效果非常一般 。 剑桥雅思题目答案大多出自英国 , 而谈论天气又是英国人必不可少的话题 , 所以今天的小故事看可以让同学们对气候进行一定的了解 。
Starting with the lines General weather probable in the next two days, a short piece in The Times newspaper of London in 1861 started forecasting as we know it today.
1861年 , 在英国泰晤士报上 , 一段内容以“未来两天内的天气情况”为标题的 , 开始播报我们所熟知的天气预报 。
It was put together by Robert FitzRoy, a captain in the Royal Navy and a pioneer in the field of meteorology, who led the department which later became the Met Office.
这是由罗伯特·菲茨罗伊拟定的 , 他是皇家海军的船长 , 还是气象学的先驱 。 他所领导的部门后来成为了气象局 。
In the 150 years since then, the unreliable art has gone through many different styles, but one thing has remained constant: ridicule for weathermen when they get it wrong.
自那之后的150年里 , 不可靠艺术经历了很多种不同风格 , 但是有一件事却从未发生过改变:气象员出错时会受到嘲笑 。
Poor FitzRoy became the butt of jokes when his predictions were incorrect and his daily forecasts soon stopped.
当菲茨罗伊的预测出错时 , 可怜的他就成了人们的笑柄 , 后来他的每日播报也就停止了 。
However, by popular demand, they returned a few years later.
然而 , 应大众要求 , 几年后 , 天气预报又回归 。
The first BBC radio weather bulletin was in 1922 but it wasn't until 1949 that forecasts made it onto TV.
1992年 , BBC广播电台首次播报天气预报 , 但是1949年 , 电视才开始播报 。
Unlike modern weather forecasts with high-tech graphics and chroma key technology, the presenter used just a map and a pencil to show what the weather would be doing tomorrow.
与运用高技术图像和色键技术的现代天气预报不同 , 当时的主持人只用一张地图和一支铅笔来展示明天的天气情况 。
It goes without saying that weather forecasting is far more important than simply letting people know whether to take waterproofs and an umbrella out with them.
毫无疑问 , 天气预报比只是让人们知道出门时要不要带雨衣雨伞重要得多 。
Early-warning systems which predict extreme weather such as hurricanes and cyclones have saved countless lives.
预警系统能预知飓风、旋风等极端天气 , 救了很多人的性命 。
Come rain or shine, weather forecasts will probably be here for at least another 150 years.
不管怎样 , 天气预报至少还会存在150年 。
After all, what would the British talk about without them?
毕竟 , 没了这个 , 英国人还能谈些什么呢?
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