1、人最想得到什么 , 就会成为什么的囚徒 。
A man is a prisoner of what he wants most.
2、别傻了 , 有些晚安 , 只为了让你闭嘴 。
Dont be silly. Some good night, just to shut you up.
3、生命可以随心所欲 , 但不能随波逐流 。
Life can be as it pleases, but not as it goes.
【现实的英文句子】4、别问别人为什么 , 多问自己凭什么 。
Dont ask others why, ask yourself why.
5、人累了 , 就休息;心累了 , 就淡定 。
When people are tired, they rest; when their hearts are tired, they calm down.
6、比起失望 , 孤独会让人感到更踏实 。
Loneliness can make people feel more secure than disappointment.
7、狼若回头 , 不是报恩 , 就是报仇 。
If the wolf turns around, it is either revenge or revenge.
8、世界是自己的 , 与他人毫无关系 。
The world is its own and has nothing to do with others.
9、所谓合适 , 就是听得懂和聊得来 。
The so-called fit means that you can understand and talk.
10、凡事太较真 , 苦了心 , 累了自己 。
Everything is too true, bitter heart, tired of their own.
11、别往死里好 , 后头会往死里伤心 。
Dont die. Youll be sad later.
12、你想过的那种生活 , 得自己去挣 。
You have to earn the life you want.
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