
护士是一个非常神圣的职业,很多人的梦想就是成为一名护士,5月12日就是国际护士节了,下面大家就和小编一起看看护士节发朋友圈的精美句子,护士节发朋友圈的短句 。
洁白,是你们的衣裳;微笑,是你们的形象;无私,是你们的奉献 。国际护士节,致敬可爱的白衣天使!祝你们节日快乐!
White, is your clothing; Smile, is your image; Selfless, is your dedication. International nurses day, salute the lovely angels in white! I wish you a happy holiday!
飘逸白衣是你们舞动的翅膀,天使,总伴着祥云飞翔 。国际护士节,致敬可爱的白衣天使!祝你们节日快乐!
Elegant white clothes are your dancing wings, angels, always accompanied by auspicious clouds fly. International nurses day, salute the lovely angels in white! I wish you a happy holiday!
最温馨的声音,是护士的问候;最温暖的关心,是护士的目光 。国际护士节,致敬可爱的白衣天使!祝你们节日快乐!
The most warm voice, is the nurse's greetings; The warmest concern is the nurse's eyes. International nurses day, salute the lovely angels in white! I wish you a happy holiday!
一身白衣表露出你们的纯洁,微笑的脸旁彰显出你们天使的模样 。国际护士节,致敬可爱的白衣天使!祝你们节日快乐!
Your purity is revealed in your white garments, and your angelic appearance is revealed by your smiling faces. International nurses day, salute the lovely angels in white! I wish you a happy holiday!
你们平凡而伟大,普通而特别,弱小而坚强,美丽而可爱 。国际护士节,致敬可爱的白衣天使!祝你们节日快乐!
You are ordinary and great, ordinary and special, weak and strong, beautiful and lovely. International nurses day, salute the lovely angels in white! I wish you a happy holiday!
你们白色的身影,是承载好运的帆船,给患者扬起幸福快乐的风帆 。国际护士节,致敬可爱的白衣天使!祝你们节日快乐!
Your white figure is a sailboat carrying good luck, raising the happy sails for the patients. International nurses day, salute the lovely angels in white! I wish you a happy holiday!
【护士节发朋友圈的精美句子◎护士节发朋友圈的短句】白衣天使,是你们的代号,更是一份美丽的展现 。国际护士节,致敬可爱的白衣天使!祝你们节日快乐!
The angel in white, is your code name, is a beautiful show. International nurses day, salute the lovely angels in white! I wish you a happy holiday!
护士,神圣的名字;护士,和蔼的样子;护士,耐心的性子;护士,天使的影子 。国际护士节,致敬可爱的白衣天使!祝你们节日快乐!
Nurse, holy name; Nurse, kind face; Nurse, patient nature; Nurse, the shadow of an angel. International nurses day, salute the lovely angels in white! I wish you a happy holiday!
温柔耐心是你们的特质,白衣天使是你们的名字,真心把爱散到每一个角落 。国际护士节,致敬可爱的白衣天使!祝你们节日快乐!
Gentleness and patience is your quality, the angel in white is your name, sincerely spread love to every corner. International nurses day, salute the lovely angels in white! I wish you a happy holiday!
1.我没能看清她的脸,但她那双手一直是我的力量 。
2.青春挥洒病床前,憔悴花容无怨言 。割发抛家忘生死,何输华夏好儿男 。
3.承载的是危难,传递的是欢笑;担起的是一份责任,付出的是几多辛劳 。
4.不辜负患者“以性命相托”,敬佑生命救死扶伤甘于奉献 。