
Yuandatou's Seven Faces Signature Edition


袁大头七分脸签字版// //

“民国三年(1914年)二月《国币条例》公布 , 天津造币总厂即进行筹划 , 币模由意大利籍总雕刻师乔治(L.Giorgi)操刀 。 乔治之前从未见过袁世凯本人 , 是以照片为样雕刻 , 乔治自照片上以为袁“苍老虚弱” , “七分面”版完成后亲自携带样币赴北京晋见袁世凯 , 呈览时却发现所镂肖像与袁本人神采差异甚大 , 无法显示袁的强人形象而未受赞赏 。 乔治乃要求重刻获核准 , 坐下为其摆好姿态 , 重新雕刻后之肖像即通用之侧面像(俗称“袁大头”) 。 袁七分面币有签名版及无签名版 , 存世数量都非常稀少 , 皆为罕见 。


袁大头七分脸签字版// //

"In the three years of the Republic of China(1914), the" National Currency Regulations "was announced in February. The Tianjin Mint Plant was planned and the currency model was operated by the Italian general sculptor L. Giorgi. George had never seen Yuan Shikai himself before. He was carved like a photo. George thought that Yuan was "old and weak" in the photo. After the "Seven Faces" version was completed, he personally went to Beijing to visit Yuan Shikai. At the time of the presentation, it was found that the portrait of the portrait was very different from that of Yuan himself, and it was impossible to show Yuan's strong image without appreciation. Qiaozhinai asked to be re-engraved, sit down and pose for it, and re-engrave the portrait of the general profile(commonly known as "Yuandatou"). Yuan Qi face coins have signature and non-signature versions, and the number of survivors is very rare and rare.

民国三年(公元1914)天津造币厂试铸了一枚正面袁世凯3/4侧面像(俗称“七分脸”)的一圆银币.“民国三年(1914)天津造币厂试制 。 面值一元 。 正面袁世凯3/4侧面像(俗称“七分脸”) , 上方“中华民国三年”;背中央面值“一圆” , 周围嘉禾图案 。 罕见 。

袁大头是我国历钱币史上重要的角色 , 袁大头做工精美 , 一些特别的版本受到各大藏友的青睐 ,

In the three years of the Republic of China(1914 AD), the Tianjin Mint tried to cast a silver coin with a 3/4 side image of Yuan Shikai(commonly known as "Seven Faces"). "In the three years of the Republic of China(1914), the Tianjin Mint was trial-produced. The face value is one dollar. On the front, Yuan Shikai 3/4 side image(commonly known as "seven faces"), the top "three years of the Republic of China"; Back central face value "one circle", surrounding Jiahe pattern. Rare.

Yuandatou is an important role in the history of Chinese calendar coins. Yuandatou is beautifully crafted, and some special versions are favored by various Tibetan friends.

图照可鉴 , 其无论文字和纹饰 , 皆十分精致 , 凸凹鲜明 , 文字笔划和纹饰线条圆滚 , 显示模具冲压着力深打 , 致其品相精美无比 , 其工艺水准也是至今之伪所不能矣 。


袁大头七分脸签字版// //

上环“中华民国三年” , 左下角意大利籍总雕刻师乔治(L.Giorgi)签名 , 钱币品相非常好 , 字体刚劲有力!边缘自然年代感极强 , 包浆老道自然 , 边齿规整 , 自然磨损相当小 , 实属钱币精品中的珍品 ,

“民国三年(1914)天津造币厂试制 , 市场没有流通 , 世间难出一件 , 具有较高发市场价值和未来升值空间 ,

The picture can be pointed out that regardless of the text and the decoration, it is very delicate, convex and concave, the text strokes and the lines of the decoration are rounded, showing that the die stamping is hard to fight, resulting in its exquisite quality, and its craftsmanship is still not true. Can not.

Sheung Wan "Three Years of the Republic of China", signed by L. Giorgi, the Italian general sculptor in the lower left corner, the coins are good and the fonts are strong! The natural age of the edges is extremely strong, the old roads are natural, the edges are regular, and the natural wear is quite small. It is a treasure in the fine coins.

"In the three years of the Republic of China(1914), the Tianjin Mint was trial-produced and the market was not circulated. It was difficult to produce one in the world and it had a higher market value and room for future appreciation.