
提示您,本文原题为 -- 英国亨利拍卖有限公司迪拜拍卖重点推荐清江光绪元宝

下面介绍一枚铸有“清江”字样的光绪元宝 。 清江光绪元宝铸造时间为1904年~1906年 , 铸造时间较短 , 江苏省清江浦造 , 名为(清江铜元局) 。 当时铸造钱币材料有“红铜”、“黄铜”两种 , 币文有“光绪元宝”和基地“淮”字大清铜币两大类 。 光绪三十一年头铸“光绪元宝”样币 , 币面上书“清江铜元局开铸” , 背为飞龙图 , 清未铜元只冠地名而无省名 , 唯清江铜元 。 后清江铜元局并入江南造币厂 , 清江光绪元宝未经流通 。

目前就有这样一枚龙纹逆转180度错版清江光绪元宝 。 这枚清江光绪元宝为铜制钱币 , 币值当制钱十文 。 珠圈上缘铸有满文 , 下缘铸有币值“当制钱十文” , 中央两侧铸有地名“清江” , 珠圈内铸有“光绪元宝”四字 , 内嵌六瓣小花 。 钱背珠圈外缘英文字母环绕 , 两侧铸有一朵小花 , 珠圈内蟠龙遨游 , 龙纹180度逆转 , 祥云环绕 , 蟠龙龙纹铸造精美 , 眼睛炯炯有神 。


英国亨利拍卖有限公司迪拜拍卖重点推荐清江光绪元宝// //

The following introduction is a cast with the words "Qingjiang" Guang Xu Yuan Bao. Qingjiang Guang Xu Yuan Bao casting time is 1904 ~ 1906, casting time is relatively short, Qingjiangpu, Jiangsu Province, named (Qingjiang Tongyuan Bureau). At that time, casting coins were made of "red copper" and "brass", and there were "Guang Xu Yuanbao" and "Huai" characters on the base of "Huai", two categories of bronze coins. Guang Xu 31 years head cast "Guang Xu Yuan Bao" sample coin, the currency on the surface of the book "Qingjiang Copper Yuan Bureau cast," back for the dragon chart, the Qing not bronze yuan only place name but no provincial name, the only Qingjiang copper yuan. After Qingjiang Tongyuan Bureau merged into Jiangnan Mint, Qingjiang Guang Xu Yuan Bao has not been circulated. At present, there is such a dragon grain reversal 180 degrees wrong version of Qingjiang Guang Xu Yuan Bao. This Qingjiang Guang Xu Yuan Bao is a copper coin, worth ten cents. The upper edge of the bead casting Manchu, the lower edge casting currency "when money 10," the central side of the casting place "Qingjiang", the bead circle cast "Guang Xu Yuan Bao" four characters, embedded in six small flowers. Qianbei bead outer edge around the English letters, both sides cast a small flower, pearl circle flat dragon roam, dragon 180 degrees reversal, Xiangyun around, dragon pattern cast exquisite, the eyes are bright.

收藏所遵循的原则是少、新、奇 , 也就是罕见的奇特之物 。 如此小小钱币 , 也可管中窥豹 , 足以代表当时的社会文化之风气 。 再加上 , 这枚钱币是一枚错版币 , 正反面团出现偏移 , 其稀有性大大增加!错版币可遇不可求 , 钱币出厂都要经过严格的检验程序 , 出错的概率通常在百万分之一到千万分之一 。 错版币是不能作为货币在市场上流通的 。 清政府当即收缴并销毁 , 这枚背后龙头旋转180度 , 恐怕世间仅此一枚 , 因而更显难得珍贵 。 这枚错版清江光绪元宝具备极高的收藏意义 , 因此香港金字塔国际拍卖有限公司将其列入稀有钱币专场作为本场拍卖的重点推荐藏品


英国亨利拍卖有限公司迪拜拍卖重点推荐清江光绪元宝// //

Collection follows the principle of small, new, strange, that is, rare strange things. Such a small coin, can also be peeped in the leopard, enough to represent the social and cultural ethos at that time. Plus, this coin is a wrong version of the coin, positive and negative dough offset, its rarity greatly increased! The wrong version of the coin can not be found, coins have to go through strict inspection procedures, the probability of error is usually between 1/1000000 and 1/10000000. Misprinted coins cannot be circulated as money in the market. Qing government immediately seized and destroyed, the back of the leading rotation 180 degrees, I am afraid the world only this one, and thus more rare and precious. This wrong version of Qingjiang Guang Xu Yuan Bao has a very high collection significance, so Hong Kong Pyramid International auction Co., Ltd. listed it as a rare coin special event as the focus of the auction recommended collection.

?此枚钱币为中国广西黄先生祖上收藏 , 黄先生祖上几代经商 , 经久不衰 , 为当地大户 , 其影响至今还为之广传 , 让人津津乐道 , 整个家族旁支众 , 黄先生为嫡系家主 , 在当地影响力巨大 , 也是中国有名的收藏家 。

This coin is collected by Mr. Huang's ancestral family in Guangxi, China. Mr. Huang's ancestor has been in business for several generations, and has been a large local household for a long time. Its influence has been widely spread to this day, and it has been said with great delight that Mr. Huang is a direct owner of the whole family, and that Mr. Huang is a direct owner of the family. It has great influence in the area and is also a famous collector in China.