英国亨利拍卖有限公司迪拜拍卖重点推荐 四川造币厂造贰佰文

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1911年辛亥革命胜利后 , 清帝退位 , 中华民国成立 。 民国成立时 , 由于币制尚未建立 , 主要的造币厂 , 大都仍沿用前清钢模铸造钱币 , 以供流通需要 , 当时四川改铸四川铜元 , 有二百文、五百文一等币值 。 随后在颁布的“临时大总统令”中提出要“另刊新模 , 鼓铸纪念币” , 国民政府统一币模后 , 原本的钱币便停止了铸造发行 , 因而四川造币厂贰百文铸造量少 , 流通时间短 , 极其珍贵 。

英国亨利拍卖有限公司迪拜拍卖重点推荐 四川造币厂造贰佰文

英国亨利拍卖有限公司迪拜拍卖重点推荐 四川造币厂造贰佰文// //

目前就有这样一枚正反30度旋转错版币 。 币面中心直书“贰百文”面值.两旁分列嘉穗图案 , 上沿糖年号“中华民国二年” , 下沿锈厂名“四川造币厂造” , 左右分列十字花星 。 背中央为交叉双旗图 , 外环殊圈 , 上沿锈英文“THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA”(中华民国) , 下沿锈英文“200 CASH(200仙) 。 这是民国时期四川铜元中唯一使用英文的一种 。

英国亨利拍卖有限公司迪拜拍卖重点推荐 四川造币厂造贰佰文

英国亨利拍卖有限公司迪拜拍卖重点推荐 四川造币厂造贰佰文// //

现存世量极少,此币形制规整 , 铜质精纯 , 在历经岁月之后至今虽尽显斑驳古意 , 但仍不失熠熠光彩 , 其铸工精湛 , 保存完好 。 而且还是正反旋转30度错版币 , 错版币是不能作为货币在市场上流通的 。 政府当即收缴并销毁 , 这枚正反旋转30度错版币 , 恐怕世间仅此一枚 , 因而更显难得珍贵 。 这枚四川造币厂造贰佰文具备极高的收藏意义 , 因此香港金字塔国际拍卖有限公司将其列入稀有钱币专场作为本场拍卖的五件重点推荐藏品之一

After the victory of the 1911 revolution, the qing emperor abdicated and the republic of China was established. When the republic of China was founded, as the currency system has not yet been established, the main mint, most still continue to use the former qing dynasty steel casting COINS, for circulation needs, when sichuan to change the sichuan copper yuan, there are two hundred, five hundred one and other currencies. Subsequently, in the "temporary presidential decree" issued, it was proposed to "publish new molds separately and cast commemorative COINS". After the national government unified the coin molds, the original COINS were stopped from being minted and issued. As a result, the sichuan mint minted a small amount of 200 COINS, which had a short circulation time and was extremely precious.

At present, there is such a positive and negative 30 degrees of rotation wrong version of qingjiang guangxu yuan bao. Currency center "200 text" face value. Both sides of the fine fringe pattern, along the sugar year "two years of the republic of China", along the rust factory name "sichuan mint", about the cross flower star. At THE center OF THE back is a cross double-flag map, surrounded by different circles. THE upper edge OF THE rust is "THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA" (REPUBLIC OF CHINA), and THE lower edge OF THE rust is "200 CASH" (200 cents). This is the only one of the copper yuan in sichuan during the republic of China that used English.

There are very few extant COINS in the world. The coin is well-formed and the copper is pure. Although the coin is mottled with ancient meaning after years, it still keeps its luster. And it is a 30 degree rotation of the wrong version of the coin, the wrong version of the coin is not as money in the market circulation. The government promptly seized and destroyed the coin, which was the only coin in the world with a 30-degree rotation, making it all the more precious. This sichuan mint two hundred words has the extremely high collection significance, therefore the Hong Kong pyramid international auction limited company will include it in the rare coin special performance as this auction five key recommendation collection

此枚钱币为中国广西黄先生祖上收藏 , 黄先生祖上几代经商 , 经久不衰 , 为当地大户 , 其影响至今还为之广传 , 让人津津乐道 , 整个家族旁支众 , 黄先生为嫡系家主 , 在当地影响力巨大 , 也是中国有名的收藏家 。

This coin is collected by Mr. Huang's ancestral family in Guangxi, China. Mr. Huang's ancestor has been in business for several generations, and has been a large local household for a long time. Its influence has been widely spread to this day, and it has been said with great delight that Mr. Huang is a direct owner of the whole family, and that Mr. Huang is a direct owner of the family. It has great influence in the area and is also a famous collector in China.