
提示您,本文原题为 -- 重庆道源阁艺术品2019秋季拍卖精品藏品展示—青花刀马人物四方梅瓶



【规格】口径71.6mm 底径93.2mm 高12.5cm 高348mm


重庆道源阁艺术品2019秋季拍卖精品藏品展示—青花刀马人物四方梅瓶// //


在历史上 , 梅瓶各大窑系都有 , 其造型的优美程度可以说天下第一 , 所以梅瓶的造型可以算是中国瓷器的第一造型 。 “梅瓶”这种器形得名比较晚 , 它在历史上还有一个名字 , 叫“经瓶” 。 这跟宋代皇家的讲筵制度有关 。 当时“讲经”也叫“讲筵” 。 讲完之后 , 皇帝要招待大家吃喝 , 当时的酒 , 就是装在这样的瓶子里 , 所以它又叫”经瓶“ 。 后有文人雅士 , 将独枝梅花插入空酒瓶中 , 竟然相得益彰 , 显得格外婀娜多姿 , 故改称梅瓶至今 , 深得朝野喜好 。 清花刀马人物梅瓶多见于清初 , 其人物故事较含蓄 。 而较之圆梅瓶 , 四方梅瓶更为难得和珍贵 , 有“四方清平长久”之意 , 所以更具收藏的价值 。

而此青花刀马人物四方梅瓶胎体厚重 , 质地细腻坚硬 , 釉色莹润 , 底足处理的粗糙些 , 且粘有些许细砂 , 正是康熙瓷的特征 。 然瓷器易碎的特性 , 又经历战争的涤荡 , 却任然流传完美的保存至今 , 实属难得 , 所以收藏价值极高!


In history, there are all major kiln systems in Meiwan, and the beauty of its shape can be said to be the best in the world, so the shape of plum bottle can be regarded as the first shape of Chinese porcelain. The name "Mei bottle" is named later, and it has a name in history, called "bottle". This is related to the royal system of the Song Dynasty. At that time, the "lecture of the Bible" was also called "speaking". After the lecture, the emperor would like to entertain everyone to eat and drink. The wine at that time was packed in such a bottle, so it was called "the bottle." After the literati, the singular plum blossoms were inserted into the empty wine bottles, and they actually complemented each other. They were particularly graceful and graceful, so they changed their name to the plum bottle and won the favor of the ruling. The plum blossoms and horse figures are more common in the early Qing Dynasty, and their character stories are more subtle. Compared with the round plum bottle, the Quartet plum bottle is more rare and precious, and it has the meaning of “Sifang Qingping for a long time”, so it is more valuable for collection.

The blue-and-white knives and the four-member plum bottle are thick and heavy, the texture is fine and hard, the glaze is lustre, the bottom is rough, and the fine sand is sticky. It is the characteristic of Kangxi porcelain. However, the fragile nature of porcelain, and the experience of the war, but it has been circulated for perfect preservation, it is rare, so the collection value is extremely high!