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唐朝(618年—907年) , 是继隋朝之后的大一统王朝 , 共历二十一帝 , 享国二百八十九年 , 因皇室姓李 , 故又称为李唐 , 是后世公认的中国强盛王朝之一 。 隋末天下群雄并起 , 617年 , 唐国公李渊于晋阳起兵 , 次年于长安称帝建立唐朝 。
The Tang Dynasty (618-907) is a unified dynasty after the Sui Dynasty. It lasted for twenty-one emperors and enjoyed the country for two hundred and eighty-nine years. Because the royal family name is Li Tang, it is also known as Li Tang. It is one of the most powerful dynasties in China recognized by later generations. At the end of the Sui Dynasty, the world rose together. In 617, Li Yuan, the Tang Emperor, set up the Tang Dynasty in Jinyang. The next year, he called the Emperor Chang'an.
珍品推荐:唐代和田玉龙耳如意杯// //
和田玉夹生在海拔3500米以上高绵延的昆仑山脉山岩中 。 和田玉原石经过自然的地质运动和冰川运动等长期的剥解为大小不等的块 。 和田玉碎块经过雨水雪水冲刷流入河 , 随河流流入水中 , 称为和田玉山流水料 , 和田玉山流水原石经过玉龙喀什河几百甚至上万年的冲刷 , 就形成了和田玉籽料 。
Hetian Jade is found in the rocks of the Kunlun Mountains, which are over 3500 meters above sea level. Hetian Yuyuan stone has been decomposed into blocks of varying sizes through natural geological movement and glacial movement for a long time. The fragments of Hetian jade flow into the river through rain and snow water. They flow into the water along the river. They are called Hetian Yushan runoff material. After hundreds or even tens of thousands of years of erosion by the Yulong Kashi River, Hetian Yushan runoff stone forms Hetian jade seed material.
玉杯从一开始就带有身份与装饰的意义 , 更多的是作为一种地位的象征 。 汉唐时期的帝王 , 常将美玉制成的杯形佩饰赐予功臣、长者 , 以表彰其功勋及帝王敬老爱老之心 。
Jade cup from the beginning has the meaning of identity and decoration, more as a status symbol. During the Han and Tang Dynasties, the emperors often awarded cup-shaped ornaments made of beautiful jade to their ministers and elders in recognition of their merits and the emperor's respect for the elderly and love for the elderly.
珍品推荐:唐代和田玉龙耳如意杯// //
玉杯造型小巧玲珑 , 玉质细腻油润 , 壶身多处留有子皮 , 倍显工巧精致 。 壶身翠竹叶片如剑 , 竹节苍劲 , 一叶半枝 , 已见竹之风骨 。 杯耳带突 , 是龙耳的造型及寓意 , 壶身刻有唐代 , 著名诗人王维的诗:“红豆生南国 , 春来发几枝 。 愿君多采撷 , 此物最相思 。 ”
Jade cups are small and exquisite in shape, delicate and oily in quality, and many parts of the pot body are covered with seed skin, which shows exquisite workmanship and delicacy. Bamboo leaves in the pot body are like swords, with vigorous bamboo knots and one and a half branches. The wind and bones of bamboo have been seen. Cup ear with protruding, is the shape and moral of the Longer Ear. The pot body is engraved with Tang Dynasty, famous poet Wang Wei's poem: "Red beans born in the South, Spring hair a few branches. May you gather more, this thing is the most lovely.
中国人喜饮酒、爱喝茶 , 酒有酒壶 , 茶则有茶杯 。 吕洞宾尝云:袖里乾坤大 , 杯中日月长 。 杯 , 无疑是古人或知己同坐 , 或神游天下时 , 不可或缺的器物 。
Chinese people like drinking and tea. There are wine pots and tea cups. Lv Dongbin tastes the clouds: The sky and the sky are big in his sleeve, and the sun and the moon are long in his cup. The cup is undoubtedly an indispensable object for the ancients or confidants to sit together or to travel around the world.
珍品推荐:唐代和田玉龙耳如意杯// //
此唐代和田玉龙耳如意杯材质上等 , 一看便知经受了大自然的磨砾和大自然的洗礼 , 处处透露出玉的灵气 , 做工考究 , 玉质清纯温润 , 龙纹栩栩如生 , 用之如饮“琼浆玉液” , 值得收藏把玩 。
This Tang Dynasty Hetian Yulong Er Ruyi Cup is of high quality. It can be seen that it has undergone the grinding and baptism of nature, revealing the spirit of jade everywhere, exquisite workmanship, pure and moist jade, lifelike dragon patterns, and is worth collecting and playing with.
珍品推荐:唐代和田玉龙耳如意杯// //
目前藏品持有人欲将此珍品结缘于有缘之士 , 参加2019年迪拜春拍拍卖会 , 预约贵宾名额 , 一览珍品风采!
At present, the holders of collections want to tie this treasure to the people who have a good fortune to participate in the Spring auction in Dubai in 2019. make an appointment for VIPs and have a look at the style of the treasures.
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