光绪元宝北洋 广东省造一组精品赏析

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华夏文明上下五千年 , 历史文化源远流长 。 每一个历史发展的阶段都是我们国家成长的足迹 , 银元也正是这历史银河中组成的重要部分 。 就其特定的历史时期也使它在钱币史上占据着重要的地位 , 它不仅代表着近代中国的货币文化 , 反映了我国近代历史、经济、金融的兴衰和沧桑 , 具有很高的艺术观赏价值和文物价值 。

The Chinese civilization is up and down for five thousand years, and the history and culture have a long history. Every stage of historical development is the footprint of our country's growth, and the silver yuan is an important part of this historical Galaxy. In its specific historical period, it also occupies an important position in the history of coins, which not only represents the currency culture of modern China, reflects the rise and fall of modern history, economy and finance, and has a high value of artistic viewing and cultural relics.

光绪元宝北洋 广东省造一组精品赏析

光绪元宝北洋 广东省造一组精品赏析// //

拍品名称:光绪元宝北洋造库平 广东省双龙寿字币库平七钱二一组



A product name: guangxu wing north ocean manufacturing base in Guangdong Ssangyong Ting field coin library, a group of seven money 2.

Valuation: 300 - 500 000

Location: Las Vegas

光绪元宝是清朝光绪年间流通的货币之一 。 由两广总督张之洞率先引进英国铸币机器铸造银元和铜元 , 之后各省纷纷仿效 。 共有十九个省局铸造 。 这些钱币小巧 , 铸造精致 。 钱币的收藏 , 随着朝代的更替交换 , 它越具有价值 。 相信在将来 , 钱币的价值还会一路扶摇直上 , 是为当今收藏的选择 。

Guangxu Yuanbao is one of the currencies in circulation during the Guangxu years of the Qing Dynasty. The introduction of the British mint machine to mint silver and copper dollars was pioneered by the Governor-General Zhang Zhidong, and the provinces followed suit. A total of nineteen provincial bureaus were cast. These coins are small and delicately minted. The collection of coins, with the replacement of the dynasties exchange, it is more valuable. I believe that in the future, the value of coins will continue to rise, is the choice for today's collection.

光绪元宝是清代光绪年间特有的一种货币 。 有着清朝货币特征 , 由于当时时局不稳定 , 因此几乎在全国的各个省都有专门的货币铸造厂 。 因此我们会发现那个时代的货币上都有鲜明的铸字 , 标明是哪个省的造币厂铸造的 。 广东省造币厂铸造的光绪元宝的币值有有七钱二分、三钱六分、一钱四分四厘、七分二厘、三分六厘五等 。

Guangxu Yuanbao is a currency unique to the Qing Dynasty During the Guangxu years. With the currency characteristics of the Qing Dynasty, because of the instability of the current situation, so almost every province in the country has a dedicated currency foundries. So we'll find that the currency of that era had distinctive inions indicating which province was minted by the Mint. The value of Guangxu Yuanbao minted by the Mint in Guangdong Province is seven cents, two cents, three cents, four cents, seven-two percent, three-and-a-half percent.

光绪十六年(1890年)广东省钱局造币厂根据清政府钦定体制 , 将钱文改錾蟠龙之外 , 以“广东省造”和库平重量汉文改到正面 , 广为鼓铸第三版“光绪元宝” , 至光绪三十四年 , 朝廷将货币按三个等级铸造流通 , 分别是七钱二分(一元)、一钱四分四厘(二角)、七分二厘(一角) , 主要由天津的造币总厂铸造 , 北洋、南洋(江南)、湖北、广东是四个分厂 , 也有铸造 , 但流通量不大 , 广东省造光绪元宝库平一钱四分四厘的珍品不易常见 。 该制形被各省采用 , 成为定制 。

Guangxu sixteen years (1890) Guangdong Province Money Bureau Mint in accordance with the Qing government to determine the system, the money and culture to change the dragon outside, to "made in Guangdong Province" and Kuping weight Of Han wen to the front, widely drummed the third version of the "Guangxu Yuanbao", to Guangxu thirty-four years, the court will be the currency by three levels of casting circulation, respectively, seven cents (one yuan), respectively, One four cents (two corners), seven-two percent (one corner), mainly by tianjin's Mint mint, Beiyang, Nanyang (Jiangnan), Hubei, Guangdong is four sub-factories, there are also casting, but the circulation is not large, Guangdong Province, the creation of a guangxu Yuan treasure trove of four-four percent of the treasure is not easy to be common. The format is adopted by the provinces and is custom-made.

此两枚“广东省造光绪元宝”钱币正面中央为“光绪元宝”及满文 , 外环珠圈 , 上缘纪地文字为“广东省造” 。 下缘纪值文字为“库平一钱四分四厘”;背面中央铸“飞龙”图及珠圈 , 上缘英文纪地KWANG-TUNG PROVINCE(广东省造) , 下缘英文纪值1 MACE AND 4.4 CANDAREENS(一钱四分四厘) 。 左右各一十字星 。 此币审美风格独特 , 钱币正面鲜然可见满汉文化的融合 , 而钱背却明确标示了西方文化的介入 。 钱币虽小 , 也可管窥社会文化一斑 。 其包浆入骨 , 熟旧自然 , 深打字口清楚 , 流通痕迹明显 , 边纹饰晰 ,

具有很高的投资价值和收藏价值 。

The two "Guangdong Province to make Guangxu Yuanbao" coin front center for "Guangxu Yuanbao" and Manchu, the outer ring beads circle, the upper edge of the text for "Made in Guangdong Province." The lower edge of the value of the text is "Kuping a money four-point four-cent", the back of the central cast "flying dragon" figure and bead circle, the upper edge of the English discipline KWANG-TUNG PROVINCE (made in Guangdong Province), the lower edge of the English age value of 1 MACE AND 4.4 CANDAREENS (one money four-point four cents). left and right each cross star. This coin aesthetic style is unique, the front of the coin can not be seen full of Han culture integration, and money back is clearly marked the intervention of Western culture. Although the coin is small, it can also be a glimpse of social and cultural. Its paste into the bone, ripe old nature, deep typing mouth clear, circulation traces are obvious, the edge is clear,

光绪元宝北洋 广东省造一组精品赏析

光绪元宝北洋 广东省造一组精品赏析// //

钱币市场现在走势向好 , 而且持续坚持上涨的趋势 。 ”从商代的贝币、战国的刀、布币 , 到秦代的方孔圆钱 , 再到清末的机制币 , 中国古代钱币可谓种类多样 , 款式丰富 , 其文化历史价值与保藏出资价值招引了 大批爱好者和藏家 。 升值最快的当数其间的珍品类古钱币 , 其在市场上非常受追捧 , 涨幅很大 , 在拍卖会上更是大放光荣 , 如在2009年嘉德秋季拍卖会钱币专场 中 , 一枚极端稀有的清代咸丰通宝宝福局背字“大清壹百”以196万元人民币的高价拍出;2013年嘉德春拍上 , 一枚珍罕品--宝源局造背镇库大钱 , 以 253万元成交 , 打破了清钱的成交纪录 。

The coin market is now moving well and continuing to keep rising. "From the Merchant's Bay Coins, the Knives of the Warring States, the Coins of the Warring States, to the Square Kong Yuan coins of the Qin Dynasty, to the mechanism coins of the late Qing Dynasty, the ancient Chinese coins can be described as diverse, rich in style, and their cultural and historical value and preservation of the value of the investment attracted a large number of enthusiasts and collectors." The fastest appreciation of the treasures of ancient coins, which are very popular in the market, a large increase, in the auction is a great honor, such as in the 2009 Jiade autumn auction coin special, an extremely rare Qing Dynasty Salt Fengtong baby Fu bureau back word "Daqing hundred" sold at a high price of 1.96 million yuan; In 2013 Jiade chun shot, a rare rare goods - Baoyuan Bureau to build back town library big money, with 2.53 million yuan, breaking the record for the sale of clear money.

广东省光绪元宝整币造型端庄大气 , 布局设计合理 , 构思巧妙 , 极具特色 。 钱币正面蝙蝠的“蝠”字与“福”字谐音 , 与背面的“寿”字相对应 , 寓意“福寿双全” , 极为吉祥美好 , 符合广大人们的对未来美好生活的愿景 , 意义深远 , 收藏意义重大 。 藏品包浆自然 , 色泽明亮 , 银光灿烂 , 纹饰讲究 , 寓意鲜明 , 工艺精美 , 线条流畅 , 深浅分明 , 制作工艺十分精细 , 是独具匠心的精品钱币 , 千年难得一见 , 极其宝贵 。

Guangdong Province Guangxu Yuanbao whole coin shape elegant atmosphere, layout design is reasonable, clever lying, very characteristic. Coin front bat "manta" word and "fu" word harmonic, and the back of the "life" word corresponding, meaning "Fushou double-full", extremely auspicious and beautiful, in line with the broad masses of people's vision of a better life in the future, far-reaching significance, the collection is of great significance. The collection is natural, bright color, silver brilliant, decorative, distinctive meaning, exquisite craft, smooth lines, deep and clear, the production process is very fine, is a unique fine coin, a rare thousand years, extremely valuable.

光绪元宝北洋 广东省造一组精品赏析

光绪元宝北洋 广东省造一组精品赏析// //

光绪元宝是清朝光绪年流通的大面值货币的主流 , 光绪元宝中 , 价值最高的当属广东省造的双龙寿字币 。 永煊从曾先生手中征集到的就是这样一枚广东省造的光绪元宝 , 库平七钱二分 。

Guangxu Yuanbao is the mainstream of the large denomination currency in circulation in The Qing Dynasty, and the highest value of Guangxu Yuanbao is the Shuanglong Shou character coin made in Guangdong Province. Yongxuan from Mr. Zeng's hands to collect is such a Guangdong Province made of Guangxu Yuanbao, Kuping seven money two cents.

光绪元宝是钱币收藏的大类 , 历来都受到很多藏家的关注 , 不同版别的光绪元宝都有独特的韵味 , 值得藏家深品 。 在众多版别的光绪元宝中 , 其中以广东省造光绪元宝双龙寿字币铸造工艺最为精美 , 纹饰最为精致 , 最受人们欢迎 , 是很多古玩收藏爱好者追逐的焦点 。

Guangxu Yuanbao is a large category of coin collection, has always been the attention of many collectors, different versions of other Guangxu Yuanbao have a unique flavor, worthy of the collector's deep products. Among the many other versions of Guangxu Yuanbao, which is the most exquisite casting process of Guangdong Province,shuanglong Shou, the most exquisite decoration, the most popular, is the focus of many antique collectors.

光绪元宝北洋 广东省造一组精品赏析

光绪元宝北洋 广东省造一组精品赏析// //

广东双龙寿字库平七钱二银币 , 因民间大量仿造而闻名 , 在钱币收藏界以其存世量真品稀少而受到人们的珍视 。 更由于它的制作异常精美而倍受人们的宠爱 。 在我国近代银币中 , 它是久享盛名的一种 , 也被列入中国近代机制币十大珍 。 光绪元宝是大清光绪年流通大面值货币之首 , 是我国首批引进海外技术的印发流通货币 , 对于现今也蕴藏了一定历史意义 。 广东省造光绪元宝”,俗称“广东省造银元” 。 价格高昂,数量极其罕见 , 如果您拥有势必要夺为己有 。

Guangdong Shuanglong Shou word Kuping seven money two silver coins, famous for a large number of folk imitation, in the coin collection world for its rare quantity of real goods by people's value. More because of its production is unusually beautiful and much loved by people. In China's modern silver coins, it is a well-known kind, but also included in China's modern mechanism of the ten rare. Guangxu Yuanbao is the first large denomination currency in circulation in Daqing Guangxu year, is the first batch of china to introduce overseas technology issued and circulating currency, for today also contains a certain historical significance. Guangdong Province to make Guangxu Yuanbao", commonly known as "Guangdong Province to make silver yuan." High prices, extremely rare quantities, if you have is bound to take possession of their own.