提示您,本文原题为 -- 大明成化绿地描金龙纹杯
尺寸:口径:81.79mm 高:4.7cm 底径:30.02mm
此杯超薄胎 , 敞口 , 口沿描金 , 弧壁 , 卧足 , 平底 。 杯外施娇绿釉 , 又像瓜皮釉 , 釉嫩细滑 。 杯底杯内浇青白釉 , 釉下采用沥线工艺 , 二条龙游走之中 , 沥线工艺的精妙之处在于 , 纹饰线条眼观是凸岀 , 手摸是平坦并没凸岀感 , 此工艺至今以失传 , 內口沿处釆用红釉书写“为贵妃专用御赐”七个字 。 底面书写“大明成化年制”六字双框青花楷书款 , 方框四方用绿釉书写四字“宫延御器” 。 其娇绿釉均匀性比较好 。 由于低温绿釉的流动性较强 , 为避粘联 , 施釉不到底 , 底部边沿用描金线条隔断 , 娇绿釉的釉层较薄 , 匀净细腻 , 釉色鲜嫩 , 青翠如瓜皮 , 明代御窑烧制的绿釉瓷器很少 , 宫廷也不用绿釉瓷器作祭器和供器 , 但成化朝用来做酒器赏玩 , 纯属成化小件中极品佳作 。
大明成化绿地描金龙纹杯// //
大明成化绿地描金龙纹杯// //
大明成化绿地描金龙纹杯// //
大明成化绿地描金龙纹杯// //
Age: Ming Dynasty Name: Daming Chenghua Green Space GoldDragon Pattern Cup Size: diameter: 81.79mm high: 4.7cm bottom diameter: 30.02mmCollection deion: This cup is very thin, open, with a gold rim, curvedwall, lying feet and flat bottom. The cup is decorated with charming greenglaze and looks like melon skin glaze. The glaze is tender and smooth. Greenand white glaze is poured into the cup at the bottom of the cup, and a drainline process is adopted under the glaze. The two dragons swim away. Thesubtlety of the drain line process lies in that: The eye view of decorativelines is convex, the hand feels flat and does not feel convex. This techniquehas been lost to date. Red glaze is used at the edge of the inner mouth towrite "as a royal gift for imperial concubines." Seven words."Daming Chenghua Year System" is written on the bottom insix-character double-frame blue-and-white regular , and four charactersare written in green glaze on the four sides of the frame. "palaceextension imperial device". Its delicate green glaze has betteruniformity. Due to the strong fluidity of low-temperature green glaze, theglaze is not applied to the end to avoid sticking. The bottom edge is cut offby gold tracing lines, the glaze layer of the charming green glaze is thin,even and delicate, the glaze color is fresh and tender, and green as melonskin. There are very few green glazed porcelains fired by imperial kilns in theMing Dynasty, and the courts do not use green glazed porcelains as sacrificialvessels and supplying vessels. However, the Chenghua Dynasty used them to makewine vessels for enjoyment, which is purely an excellent piece of Chenghua'ssmall pieces.年代:明代
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