
提示您,本文原题为 -- 藏品鉴赏:粉彩人物故事盘

粉彩始创于康熙 , 极盛于雍正 。 康熙晚期在珐琅彩瓷制作的基础上 , 景德镇窑开始烧制粉彩瓷 , 但制作较粗 , 仅在红花的花朵中运用粉彩点染 , 其他纹饰仍沿用五彩的制作 。 目前主要发现有两个品种:一是白地粉彩器;一是绿、黄、紫三彩瓷上加有胭脂红(金红)彩 。 到了雍正朝 , 无论在造型、怡釉和彩绘方面 , 粉彩瓷均得到了空前的发展 。

Pastel found Yu Kangxi, copiously in yongzheng. In colored enamel porcelain production in late kangxi, on the basis of famille rose porcelain jingdezhen kiln began to burn, but making coarser, only using the fictitious pastel colored in red flowers, is still used other decorative colorful. At present main findings are two varieties: one is water machine; One is green, yellow, purple three-color porcelain and add a carmine color (red). In the qing dynasty, no matter in terms of shape, glaze, coloured drawing or pattern, famille rose porcelain are obtained the unprecedented development.


藏品鉴赏:粉彩人物故事盘// //

粉彩是雍正彩瓷中最著名的品种之一 , 彩料比康熙朝的要精细 , 色彩柔和 , 皴染层次多 。 大多数在白地上、少量在色地上绘纹饰 。 以花蝶图为最多 , 牡丹、月季、海棠、四季花也极为普遍 。 人物故事图 , 在粉彩中也比较多 。 此外 , 粉彩瓷中谐音的“蝠”福)、“鹿”(禄)图案十分多见 。 当时突出的是所谓“过枝”技法 。

Pastel is one of the most famous varieties of yongzheng color porcelain, fine color material than kangxi dynasty, color soft, multiple levels of CunRan. Most on the ground, a small amount of color painting decorative pattern on the ground. With flower butterfly at most, a peony, Chinese rose, Chinese flowering crabapple, four seasons flower is extremely common. The narrative figure, also more in pastel. In addition, the harmonics of famille rose porcelain "bat"), "deer" (lu) designs are very rare. The outstanding is the so-called "branches" techniques.


藏品鉴赏:粉彩人物故事盘// //

文中所示便是十分典型的粉彩人物故事盘;高:约6cm 重量:约406.2g , 整体造型线条流畅 , 构图舒朗 。 所绘人物、粉彩色彩鲜艳 , 可说是件难得的粉彩精品;取了点染与套色的手法 , 使所要描绘的对象 , 无论山水 , 屋宇 , 人物都显得质感强 , 明暗清晰 , 层次分明 , 底款为大清雍正年制 。 既有严整工细刻画微妙的工笔画 , 又有渗入淋漓挥洒 , 简洁洗练的写意画 , 还有夸张变形的装饰画风 。 甚至把版画 , 水彩画 , 油画以及水彩画等姐妹艺术都加以融汇运用 , 精微处 , 丝毫不爽 。 十分具有收藏与鉴赏价值 , 升值空间巨大 。

As shown in this paper is a very typical character story plate; Height: about 6 cm weight: 406.2 g, overall modelling line is fluent, mike sheron composition. Painted, enamel colourful characters, is a rare high-quality goods; Took the halftone and tinted gimmick, make the object to be portrayed, regardless of landscape, building, people seemed simple sense is strong, light and shade is clear, distinct, bottom of qing yongzheng year. There are both orderly exquisitely depict subtle claborate-style painting, and writing into the dripping wet, concise washs practice xieyi painting, and exaggerated deformation of decorative painting. Even the engravings, watercolor painting, oil painting and watercolors and sisters art all try to be applied together, subtle, a bit uncomfortable. Very has the value of collection and appreciation, great appreciation of space.


藏品鉴赏:粉彩人物故事盘// //

而且早在清康熙年间 , 粉彩作为瓷器釉上彩绘艺术已开始了萌芽;到雍正时期 , 已趋成熟 , 并形成粉彩装饰的独特风格;乾隆时期粉彩已非常兴盛 。 粉彩的艺术效果 , 以秀丽雅致 , 粉润柔和见长 , 这与洁白精美的瓷质分不开 , 它们相互衬托 , 相映成趣 , 有机地结合起来 。 所以 , 粉彩瓷也因此有了很浓厚的历史文化底蕴 。

And as early as the qing emperor kangxi years, pastel as painting on porcelain glaze art have begun to bud; To the yongzheng period, has become mature, and the unique style of famille rose decoration; Qianlong pastel is very flourish. Pastel art effect, in order to beautiful and elegant, soft pink embellish, this has to do with white and fine porcelain, foil each other, set each other off becomes an interest, organically. So the famille rose porcelain also therefore had very strong historical and cultural background.

而且早在清康熙年间 , 粉彩作为瓷器釉上彩绘艺术已开始了萌芽;到雍正时期 , 已趋成熟 , 并形成粉彩装饰的独特风格;乾隆时期粉彩已非常兴盛 。 粉彩的艺术效果 , 以秀丽雅致 , 粉润柔和见长 , 这与洁白精美的瓷质分不开 , 它们相互衬托 , 相映成趣 , 有机地结合起来 。 所以 , 粉彩瓷也因此有了很浓厚的历史文化底蕴 。

And as early as the qing emperor kangxi years, pastel as painting on porcelain glaze art have begun to bud; To the yongzheng period, has become mature, and the unique style of famille rose decoration; Qianlong pastel is very flourish. Pastel art effect, in order to beautiful and elegant, soft pink embellish, this has to do with white and fine porcelain, foil each other, set each other off becomes an interest, organically. So the famille rose porcelain also therefore had very strong historical and cultural background.