
提示您,本文原题为 -- 峨眉县粮票一组

粮票是20世纪50年代至85年代 , 中国在特定经济时期发放的一种购粮凭证 。 中国最早实行的票证种类有粮票、食用油票、布票等 。 粮票作为一种实际的有价证券 , 在中国使用达40多年之久 。 “票证经济”曾影响了我国几代老百姓的生活 , 那是一段凭票吃粮喝汤的年代 , 也是靠粮票、布票等票证过日子的计划经济时代 。

The food stamp was a kind of food purchase certificate issued by China during the specific economic period from the 1950s to the 85s. The earliest types of tickets issued in China include food stamps, edible oil tickets, and cloth tickets. As a practical securities, food stamps have been used in China for more than 40 years. The "ticket economy" has affected the lives of generations of ordinary people in China. It was an era of eating food and drinking soup by ticket, and it was also a planned economy era that relied on food stamps, cloth tickets and other tickets.


峨眉县粮票一组// //

各种粮票的尺寸是千差万别的 , 其形式有横式 , 也有竖式、齿状和正方形 。 有的粮票与人民币10元大小相同 , 而有的粮票只有1厘米大小 。 面额大的在千斤、万斤以上 , 面额小的仅为一钱以下 。 粮票的设计各不一样 , 有的有精美的图案 , 有的将风景名胜和浓郁的民族风情设计在粮票上 。

The size of the various food stamps varies widely, in the form of horizontal, vertical, toothed and square. Some food stamps are the same size as RMB 10, while some food stamps are only 1 cm in size. The denomination is larger than a thousand pounds, and the denomination is only one dollar or less. The design of food stamps is different, some have beautiful patterns, and some design scenic spots and rich ethnic customs on food stamps.


峨眉县粮票一组// //

文中此峨眉县粮票一组 , 为1979年峨眉县购粮券贰市斤一张以及1979年峨眉县面粉票壹市两、伍市两各一张 。 粮票正面印有币值 , 反面也对该粮票使用有详细说明 , 并盖有峨眉县粮食局印章 。 此组粮票图案精美 , 设计精巧 , 印制精细 , 具有时间性、地域性的特点 , 具有重要的历史意义 , 极具收藏价值 。

In this article, a group of food stamps in Emei County was purchased in 1979 in Emei County, and in the city of Emei County, in 1979. The front of the food stamp is printed with the currency value. The reverse side also has a detailed deion of the use of the food stamp, and is stamped with the seal of the Emei County Grain Bureau. This group of food stamps is exquisite in design, exquisite in design, finely printed, and has the characteristics of time and regionality. It has important historical significance and is highly collectible.


峨眉县粮票一组// //

粮票在上个世纪50年代到90年代 , 相当于现在通用的纸币 , 市民通过粮票可以兑换不同类型的生活用品 , 这在当时不稳定的环境下有利于促进市民的正常生活 , 也有利市场商品的稳定和发展 。 可以说 , 粮票在当时的中国大陆上起到举足轻重的作用 。 它是中国在特定历史背景下的产物 , 虽说现在已不复存在 , 但很多老一辈长者总能如数家珍的道出各种各样有关于粮票的故事 , 对他们来说有着举足轻重的纪念意义 。 日渐稀少之下 , 也使得如文中此组珍贵得地方性粮票具有了不可复制性 , 长期为海内外收藏爱好者所瞩目 。 ?

In the 1950s and 1990s, food stamps were equivalent to the current common banknotes. The citizens can exchange different types of daily necessities through food stamps. This is conducive to promoting the normal life of the citizens in an unstable environment at that time. The stability and development of commodities. It can be said that the food stamp played a pivotal role in the mainland China at that time. It is a product of China in a specific historical context. Although it is no longer there, many older elders can always tell a variety of stories about food stamps, which is a great commemoration for them. significance. Under the circumstance, it also makes this group of rare local food stamps irreproducible, and has long been the focus of collectors at home and abroad.