
提示您,本文原题为 -- 粮票一组

中国最早实施的票证种类是粮票、食用油票、布票等 。 新中国成立初期 , 物资极度匮乏 , 粮食自然无法做到敞开供应 。 中央政府开始酝酿粮食的计划供应 , 以满足全国人民的温饱 。 1953 年 , 中央政府决定实行粮食统购统销政策 , 包括粮食计划收购政策 , 粮食计划供应政策 。 1955 年8 月25 日 , 国务院全体会议第17 次会议通过《市镇粮食定量供应凭证印制暂行办法》 , 紧接着 , 国家粮食部向全国发布这一暂行办法 。 很快 , 各种粮食票证便铺天盖地地进入社会、进入家庭 。

The types of tickets first implemented in China were food stamps, edible oil tickets, and cloth tickets. At the beginning of the founding of New China, the materials were extremely scarce and the food could not be opened. The central government began to plan the supply of food to meet the food and clothing needs of the people of the country. In 1953, the central government decided to implement the policy of unified grain purchase and marketing, including the food plan acquisition policy and the food plan supply policy. On August 25, 1955, the 17th meeting of the plenary session of the State Council passed the Interim Measures for the Printing of Municipal Food Quantitative Supply Voucher, followed by the National Food Ministry to release this interim measure to the whole country. Soon, all kinds of food stamps will enter the society and enter the family.


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文中此粮票一组 , 包含了1988年新疆维吾尔自治区地方粮票二公斤一张、1985年哈尔滨市粮票拾市斤一张、1975年山东食油票壹市斤一张、1982年芜湖市购粮券叁市斤一张、1983年芜湖市购粮券叁市斤一张、1983年芜湖市购粮券壹市两一张、1978年黑龙江省粮票壹市斤一张以及1972年河南省流动粮票壹市两一张 。 经年累月的岁月侵蚀 , 更使这种具有不可复制性的票证文物日渐稀少 , 珍品迭出 , 长期为海内外收藏爱好者所瞩目 。 每一张粮票都品相相当完好 , 纪念意义和收藏价值不言而喻 。

In this article, a group of food stamps contains two kilograms of local food stamps in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in 1988, one kilogram of food stamps in Harbin in 1985, one in Shandong in 1975, and one in Wuhu in 1982. The food stamps were sold in Jinshi City, in 1983, Wuhu City purchased grain coupons in Jinshi City, in 1983, Wuhu City purchased grain coupons in two cities, in 1978, Heilongjiang Province, food stamps in the city, and in Henan Province in 1972. There are two mobile food stamps in the market. Over the years, the erosion of the years has made this kind of non-replicable ticket cultural relics increasingly rare, and the treasures have been repeated, which has long attracted the attention of collectors at home and abroad. Every food stamp is quite intact, and the commemorative meaning and collection value are self-evident.


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粮票作为一种实践的有价证券 , 随着社会的发展 , 1993年 , 国家粮油价格放开 , 走过38年历程的粮票 , 退出了历史舞台 , 变成保藏者的新宠 。 粮票曾作为中国的第二“货币” , 反映了中国各个历史时期的社会经济状况 , 可以说 , 小小粮票就是中国计划经济时期社会发展的见证 , 它所承载的深厚文化历史价值正是其吸引人的最大魅力 , 收藏一些粮票也相当于收藏了当年那段岁月的珍贵回忆 。

As a practical securities, food stamps, with the development of society, in 1993, the national grain and oil prices were released, and the food stamps that have gone through 38 years of history have withdrawn from the historical stage and become the new darling of the depositors. The food stamp used to be China's second "currency", reflecting the social and economic conditions of China's various historical periods. It can be said that the small grain ticket is a testimony to the social development of China's planned economy, and the profound cultural historical value it carries is precisely Its attractive charm, collecting some food stamps is also equivalent to collecting the precious memories of that period of the year.


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