提示您,本文原题为 -- 还记得雷峰塔底的白素贞吗?——雅思口语历史建筑话题
记得吗?90后的童年 , 每年暑假必看的那部人妖虐恋《新白娘子传奇》 。 今年 , 鞠婧祎版本的呆萌小白和依旧深情无限的许大官人于朦胧把这部剧重新演绎出了别致的味道 , 喜欢 。
还记得雷峰塔底的白素贞吗?——雅思口语历史建筑话题// //
当然 , 鲜菇心中的唯一白娘子永远都是那个眼神温柔无限的她 。 人生中得一女子如她足矣 。 人美心善 , 又会法术 , 说得我都想变成许仙了 , 哈哈哈……
还记得雷峰塔底的白素贞吗?——雅思口语历史建筑话题// //
所以 , 5月新题“历史建筑” ,
除了雷峰塔 , 我还真想不出别的了 。
其实有很多 , 比如魏璎珞的延禧宫 , 孟浩然的黄鹤楼 , 白居易的陶然亭 , 夏雨荷的大明湖 。 咦?大明湖是个湖不是建筑 。
接下来 ,
素材全文配随心版中文翻译和越来越沙哑的鲜菇朗读 ,
听完可能会中毒 。
毒酒一瓶 , 各位 , 我干了 , 你随意 。
还记得雷峰塔底的白素贞吗?——雅思口语历史建筑话题// //
I’d love to talk about a historical building that I visited many years ago. The name of the building is Leifeng Tower that is located in the city Hangzhou, which is the capital of Zhejiang province. This building came to my mind the moment I saw this topic for an interesting reason. Recently I am watching a TV drama that is related to this building and the story behind it is in my mind all day every day.
我想说一个很多年前我参观过的一个历史建筑——雷峰塔 。 雷峰塔位于浙江省杭州市 。 看到这个话题之后 , 雷峰塔立刻在我脑中浮现 , 理由很有趣:最近我在看一部跟这个雷峰塔有关的电视剧《新白娘子传奇》 。
Actually, there’s an ancient Chinese legend about a white snake who lived for a few thousand years and eventually became a gorgeous woman with super powers. She was in love with a man who was a doctor and gave birth to a baby. However, a local monk always worried that the snake had some bad intentions towards people and wanted her to give up her relationships with her husband and child. She was furious and flooded the city which resulted in the death of thousands of innocent civilians. The monk had no choice but to punish her by locking her in the Leifeng Tower. I would never forget the desperate look on her and her husband. The grieved shouts from both of them outside the Tower has become a very classic and unforgettable scene in my memory.
关于这个塔 , 有一个古老的传说 。 一条千年蛇妖脱胎换骨变成了一个倾国倾城有超能力的美人白素贞 , 她和医师许仙相爱生子 。 然而 , 法海和尚总疑心她会贻害人间 , 劝她离开丈夫和儿子 。 一怒之下 , 白素贞水漫金山导致百姓无辜受难 。 法海将她囚禁在雷锋塔底 。 我永远忘不了电视剧中白素贞和许仙在雷峰塔外嘶声裂肺的哭喊声 。
还记得雷峰塔底的白素贞吗?——雅思口语历史建筑话题// //
?Therefore, the first time I visited this tower, I almost burst out crying when I stood in front of it. It was about 10 years ago; I went to Hangzhou and I was finally able to take a close look at this building that had such a huge influence on my childhood. It’s very tall but I don’t know exactly how tall it would be. It looks like a huge cake with several layers. Honestly, I almost forgot whether I went inside that day. It’s not important. I could remember how excited I was when I stood close to it. For a moment, I felt I was the white snake that was about to go inside the tower reluctantly. I guess this is also the most and almost the only reason why I’m so attached to this building.
因此 , 十年前我第一次站到雷峰塔前的时候 , 几乎泪奔 。 雷峰塔很高 , 但是具体多高我也不太清楚 , 它看上去就像一个多层的大蛋糕 。 我甚至不记得那次是否进了塔 。 其实也不重要啦 , 毕竟站在它面前就已经足够激动了 , 有那么一瞬间 , 我彷佛成为了那条白蛇 , 不情不愿地将被关进塔中 。 这个故事可能是我喜欢这个塔的唯一原因吧 。
This is all I want to say for this topic. Thank you.
就说这么多 , 谢谢 。
十年修得同船渡 , 百年修得共枕眠 , 愿你的枕边人梦里也是你 。
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