
提示您,本文原题为 -- 重庆道源阁艺术品2019秋季拍卖精品藏品展示—和田玉佩

  • 【类别】玉器
  • 【规格】重68.4克


重庆道源阁艺术品2019秋季拍卖精品藏品展示—和田玉佩// //

  • 【简介】
  • 和田玉 , “中国四大名玉”之一(其三为陕西蓝田玉、辽宁岫玉和河南独山玉) 。 传统狭义范畴特指新疆和田地区出产的玉石 , 以和田“子料”为代表闻名于世;广义的和田玉指软玉(真玉) 。 秦始皇统一中国的时候 , 和田玉因产于昆仑山被称为“昆山之玉” , 以后又因位于“于阗国”境内而被称为“于阗玉” 。 直到清光绪九年(1883年)设立和田直隶州时 , 才被正式命名为“和田玉” 。
  • 佩戴和田玉玉佩在于它赋予给人的精神意义和保健功能是所有手饰所不能替代的 。 而在民间 , 玉具 有消灾辟邪和保佑平安的传统认识 , 古有:“金银有价玉石无价”之说 , 则昌被人们奉为吉祥的宝物 。
  • 除此之外 , 一件质地上好的玉石也是有收藏价值的 , 而这件饕鬄纹赤龙白玉和田玉佩 , 饕餮此兽是古人融合了自然界各种猛兽的特征 , 同时加以自己的想象而形成的 , 其中兽的面部巨大而夸张 , 装饰性很强 , 常作为器物的主要纹饰 , 与古代人民的文化生活息息相关 , 充分体现了古代劳动人民的智慧和创造能力 , 研究者称为兽面纹 。
  • 此玉的玉质滋润、细腻、柔和 , 且表面具有油脂光泽 , 偏黄白色 , 暖色调 , 整体给人一种很温润的感觉 , 一看就是上好的精品玉料制作出来的玉佩 , 经过悠悠历史流传至今仍保存完好 , 实属难得一见 , 所以值得收藏 。
  • [Introduction]
  • Hetian jade, one of the "four famous jade in China" (the third is Shaanxi Lantian jade, Liaoning jade jade and Henan Dushan jade). The traditional narrow category refers specifically to the jade produced in the Hetian region of Xinjiang. It is famous for its “sub-materials” in Hetian; the broad-based Hetian jade refers to nephrite (true jade). When Qin Shihuang unified China, Hetian jade was called "the jade of Kunshan" because it was produced in Kunlun Mountain. Later, it was called "Yu Yuyu" because it was located in the territory of "Yu Yuguo". It was not until the establishment of Hetian Zhili Prefecture in the Qing Dynasty (1883) that it was officially named "Hetianyu".
  • Wearing Hetian jade is due to the spiritual meaning and health function that it gives people that cannot be replaced by all the accessories. In the folk, jade has the traditional understanding of disaster relief and evil protection. In ancient times, the saying that “gold and silver are of priceless jade” is the treasure of auspiciousness.
  • In addition, a good jade on the texture is also collectible, and this stenciled red dragon white jade and Tian Yupei, this beast is a combination of the ancient people's characteristics of various beasts in nature, while at the same time their own imagination The formation of the beast's face is huge and exaggerated, and it is very decorative. It is often used as the main ornament of the artifacts. It is closely related to the cultural life of the ancient people, fully embodying the wisdom and creativity of the ancient working people. The researchers called the animal face. .
  • The jade's jade is moist, delicate and soft, and the surface has oily luster, yellowish white and warm color. The whole gives a very warm feeling. At first glance, it is a jade made from fine jade. History has still been preserved and it is still rare, so it is worth collecting.