
提示您,本文原题为 -- 海外精品推荐——乾隆青花罐


海外精品推荐——乾隆青花罐// //

Qianlong green flower can, round straight mouth, drum belly, snuck shoulder, belly gradually to the bottom, shallow circle foot, glazed bottom, mouth edge and ring foot floor dew tire unglazed; Instrument-type regulation, tire body thick, painting work, the mouth along the bottom of the painting coiled cloud and as auspicious as desired, belly-painted tangled flower series, the overall shape is beautiful. Green hair green and beautiful, the use of water-sharing painting method, thick and appropriate, showing the "green flower saffron" beauty.


海外精品推荐——乾隆青花罐// //

我国是世界文明古国 , 制瓷业历史悠久 , 青花瓷器举世瞩目 , 享有极高的声誉 。 青花是一种釉下彩绘装饰 , 在成型的瓷胎上用钴料为着色剂进地描绘 , 然后 , 再施一层透明釉 , 置窑内以1300度上下的还原焰高温一次焙烧而成 , 瓷器呈现出胎白花青朴素雅致、清新明丽的艺术效果 。 清代民窑青花罐 , 举世瞩目享有极高的声誉 , 朴素雅致清新明丽 。

China is the world's ancient civilization, porcelain industry has a long history, blue porcelain world attention, enjoy a very high reputation. Green flower is a kind of glazed painting decoration, in the molded porcelain tire with cobalt material for colorant into the ground deion, and then, then apply a layer of transparent glaze, placed in the kiln to 1300 degrees or so of the reduction flame high temperature once roasted, porcelain shows the white flower shimmering simple, fresh and bright artistic effect. Qing Dynasty people kiln green flower cans, the world's attention enjoys a very high reputation, simple and elegant fresh and bright.


海外精品推荐——乾隆青花罐// //


海外精品推荐——乾隆青花罐// //

清朝 , 是中国历史最后一个大一统封建王朝 , 共传十帝 , 享国二百七十六年 。 康雍乾三朝走向鼎盛 , 在此期间 , 中国社会的各个方面在原有的体系框架下达到极致 , 改革最多 , 国力最强 , 社会稳定 , 经济快速发展 , 人口增长迅速 , 疆域辽阔 。 统一多民族国家得到巩固 , 清朝统治者将新疆和西藏纳入版图 , 并在西南推行改土归流政策 。 最终确定了中国近代的版图 , 积极维护国家领土主权的完整 。

The Qing Dynasty was the last great feudal dynasty in Chinese history, with a total of ten emperors, and 276 years. During the period when the three dynasties of Kang Qian went to a peak, all aspects of Chinese society reached the extreme within the framework of the original system, with the most reforms, the strongest national strength, social stability, rapid economic development, rapid population growth and vast territory. The unification of a multi-ethnic state was consolidated, and the Qing rulers included Xinjiang and Tibet in the map, and pursued a policy of land-change in the southwest. Finally determine the map of China's modern times, and actively safeguard the integrity of the country's territorial sovereignty.