
提示您,本文原题为 -- 【春城秀】回望昆明历史 , 感受岁月动人


【春城秀】回望昆明历史 , 感受岁月动人// //

昆明 , 国家级历史文化名城 ,

Kunming, a national famous historical and cultural city,

历史使它有一种不言而喻的厚重 。

History gives it a self - evident weight.

作为西南边陲的政治、经济、文化中心 ,

她谦逊、包容 。

As the political, economic and cultural center of the southwest frontier, she is humble and inclusive.


东方的儒雅与西方的豁达 ,

The han culture and ethnic minority culture, elegance of the east and generosity of the west,

让她个性文艺 , 又灵秀迷人 。

making her personality artistic,

smart and charming.


【春城秀】回望昆明历史 , 感受岁月动人// //


Pre-Qin · ancient Dian kingdom


【春城秀】回望昆明历史 , 感受岁月动人// //

先秦时期滇池地区居住着不同的部落 , 其中“滇”部落规模最大 。

Different tribes lived in Dianchi area during the Pre-Qin period, among which "Dian" tribe had the largest scale.


【春城秀】回望昆明历史 , 感受岁月动人// //


【春城秀】回望昆明历史 , 感受岁月动人// //


【春城秀】回望昆明历史 , 感受岁月动人// //

战国时期 , 庄蹻入滇 , 统一了滇池流域各大小部落 , 建立了“滇国” , 开启了一个多民族融合的新时代 。

During the Warring States Period, Zhuang Qiao came into Yunnan to unify different tribes in Dianchi lake watershed and established the "Dian Kingdom", which opened up a new era of multi-ethnic integration.


【春城秀】回望昆明历史 , 感受岁月动人// //


【春城秀】回望昆明历史 , 感受岁月动人// //


【春城秀】回望昆明历史 , 感受岁月动人// //

“滇国”在今晋宁区晋城镇建造滇池周围的第一座城郭 , 即“庄蹻故城” 。 晋宁石寨山滇王王族墓葬群出土的青铜器再现了当时的繁荣场景 。

"Dian Kingdom" built the first city around Dianchi in today’s Jincheng town of Jinning county , namely "Zhuang Qiao City”.The bronze ware unearthed from the tomb group of Yunnan emperor and royal family in Shizhaishan, Jinning reproduces the prosperous scene at that time.


【春城秀】回望昆明历史 , 感受岁月动人// //


【春城秀】回望昆明历史 , 感受岁月动人// //


【春城秀】回望昆明历史 , 感受岁月动人// //


Tang and Song · East and West Temple Pagoda


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公元738年 , 昆明崛起 , 成为历史上著名的大国——南诏 , 南诏王命长子凤伽异在今昆明拓东路一带 , 修建拓东城 , 成为南诏国的副都 。

In 738, Kunming rose up and became a famous power in history -- Nanzhao. Nanzhao emperor ordered his eldest son Feng Jiazi to build the Tuodong city in the area of today's Tuodong road in Kunming and it became the deputy capital of Nanzhao kingdom.


【春城秀】回望昆明历史 , 感受岁月动人// //

东西寺塔修建于南诏国 , 是昆明现存最早的建筑之一 。 它们见证了宋朝鄯阐城城市中心扩移至现在的金碧路、三市街一带 , 发展成了一座“城大而名贵 , 商工甚众”的繁华城市 , 也见证了昆明城的发展与变迁 。

Built in Nanzhao, East and West Temple Pagoda are one of the earliest existing buildings in Kunming.They witnessed the expansion of the city which the center expand from Shanchan city in Song dynasty to area of today’s Jinbi road and Sanshi street, and developed into a prosperous city which is "big and famous with a lot of commercial and industrial activities", as well as the development and changes of Kunming.


【春城秀】回望昆明历史 , 感受岁月动人// //


【春城秀】回望昆明历史 , 感受岁月动人// //


Ming dynasty · Blessed land "Turtle City"


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明洪武十五年 , 沐英“建云南府 , 改筑砖城” , 并根据阴阳家汪湛海的建议 , 将昆明筑城“龟蛇相交 , 生产帝王之气”的城池 。

In the fifteen years of Ming Hongwu's reign, Mu Ying "built Yunnan province and built a brick city", and constructed Kunming as a city where "turtle and snake meet to produce the spirit of the emperor" according to the suggestion of Wang Zhanhai, a yin-yang scholar.


【春城秀】回望昆明历史 , 感受岁月动人// //


【春城秀】回望昆明历史 , 感受岁月动人// //

三丈高的城墙 , 有六座城门 , 南门是龟头 , 北门是龟尾巴 , 大东门、小东门和大南门、小南门是四足 。

The three-zhang-high wall has six gates, the south gate is the head of the tortoise, the north gate as the tail of the tortoise, the big east gate, the little east gate and the big south gate, the little south gate as four feet.


【春城秀】回望昆明历史 , 感受岁月动人// //

如今的昆明早已没了明朝时的模样 , 但在流传下来的建筑和地名里 , 如近日楼、小西门、金碧坊等 , 我们仍旧能窥见当时繁华的一二 。

Today's Kunming has not the appearance of the Ming dynasty long time ago, but in the buildings and place names spread, such as Jinri Pavilion, Little West Gate, Jin Bi Fang, we can still catch a glimpse of the bustling at that time.


【春城秀】回望昆明历史 , 感受岁月动人// //


Qing dynasty · Three workshops and twenty-four shops


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清朝繁盛时期 , 昆明城区共有三坊、二十四铺 , 大小街道一百五十余条 , 形成了小西门、得胜桥、金马坊等一大批热闹繁华的商业中心 。

During the prosperous period of Qing dynasty, Kunming has three workshops and twenty-four shops, more than 150 big or small streets, forming a large number of busy and bustling commercial centers such as Little West Gate, Desheng Bridge and Jin Ma Fang.


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【春城秀】回望昆明历史 , 感受岁月动人// //

一千年的昆明 , 九百年的昆明老街 。 如今昆明老街保存着大量明清的民居建筑和老商号 , 踏着那些光滑映人的石板路 , 仿佛能穿越时光 , 感受岁月给这座城市留下的沧桑与厚重 。

One thousand years of Kunming, nine hundred years of Kunming old street. Today, Kunming old street has preserved a large number of residential buildings and old businesses in Ming and Qing dynasties. Stepping on those smooth flagstones, it seems that you can travel through time and feel the vicissitudes and weight left by the years to the city.


【春城秀】回望昆明历史 , 感受岁月动人// //


【春城秀】回望昆明历史 , 感受岁月动人// //


Modern times · Yunnan-Vietnam meter-wide railway


【春城秀】回望昆明历史 , 感受岁月动人// //

对于老昆明人来说 , 滇越铁路的米轨和小火车是有独特记忆的 。

For old Kunming people, meter-wide and small train of Yunnan-Vietnam railway has a unique memory.


【春城秀】回望昆明历史 , 感受岁月动人// //


【春城秀】回望昆明历史 , 感受岁月动人// //

1910年 , 滇越铁路修通至昆明后 , 解决了昆明的交通问题 , 打开了昆明对外交流的大门 。

In 1910, the construction of the Yunnan-Vietnam railway to Kunming solved the traffic problems in Kunming and opened the door for Kunming to communicate with other countries.


【春城秀】回望昆明历史 , 感受岁月动人// //


【春城秀】回望昆明历史 , 感受岁月动人// //

鼎新街昆明基督教青年会旧址、陆军讲武堂明黄的走楼、云大会泽院……无不是这段历史的见证者 。

The old site of Kunming Young Men's Christian Association in Dingxin street, the four corner Zouma Pavilion of Yunnan Military Academy, Huize Court ofYunnan University... All are witnesses of this period of history.


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【春城秀】回望昆明历史 , 感受岁月动人// //


Today · Spring City Capital of Flowers


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99世博在昆明举办 , 为昆明留下了一个世界一流的园艺博览园;每年春季“圆通樱潮”、五月蓝花楹和冬季的冬樱花 , 吸引着一批批国内外游客前来打卡;坐拥着亚洲最大的鲜切花交易市场——斗南花市 , 昆明是名副其实的春城花都 。

99 Expo was held in Kunming, leaving Kunming with a world-class horticultural exposition garden; Each spring, “Yuantong Cherry Wave”, jacaranda trees in May and winter cherry trees attract groups of domestic and foreign visitors. Owning Dounan Flower Market-the largest fleshy cut flower trading market in Asia, Kunming is truly Spring City and Capital of Flowers.


【春城秀】回望昆明历史 , 感受岁月动人// //


【春城秀】回望昆明历史 , 感受岁月动人// //


【春城秀】回望昆明历史 , 感受岁月动人// //


Tomorrow · International Metropolis


【春城秀】回望昆明历史 , 感受岁月动人// //

从“滇王国”到云南府到春城花都 , 昆明城市发展悠久而漫长 。 因着得天独厚的气候、自然资源、民族风情 , 昆明城市宜人宜居 。

From "Dian Kingdom" to Yunnan province to Spring City and Capital of Flowers, Kunming has a long development. Due to advantaged climate, natural resources, ethnic customs, Kunming is pleasant and livable.


【春城秀】回望昆明历史 , 感受岁月动人// //


【春城秀】回望昆明历史 , 感受岁月动人// //

高铁动车路线不断增加 , 长水国际机场的扩建与多国航线的开通 , 滇池国际会展中心各类国际展会的举办……昆明正朝着国际化大都市在跨跃发展 。

The number of high-speed railway and bullet train routes is increasing, the expansion of Changshui International Airport and the opening of multi-country air routes, various international exhibitions being held in Kunming Dianchi Lake International Convention and Exhibition Centre... Kunming is developing into an international metropolis.


【春城秀】回望昆明历史 , 感受岁月动人// //

了解昆明这座城 ,

Knowing Kunming,

有千百种方式 ,

there are a thousand ways,

最直接的方式就是走进她 。

the most direct way is to walk into her.

在街巷间近距离触摸她 ,

Touch her in the streets,

于阡陌中全方位欣赏她 ,

Enjoy her from all aspects in buildings,


experience her tactfully moving, twists and turns;

感受她壮美旖旎、春风和煦 。

Feel her grand sight, genial spring breeze.


【春城秀】回望昆明历史 , 感受岁月动人// //


【春城秀】回望昆明历史 , 感受岁月动人// //


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