
I entered the Hebei Vocational and Technical College with excellent results in the year of * * * *. The campus life of the year has made my own comprehensive quality, accomplishment, ability to deal with people and communication ability, and let me understand the importance of individual ability and the necessity of communication ability except for learning. University life and social life are mapped to each other, so the cultivation and progress of the comprehensive quality and ability of the individual at the university stage is the theme of our contemporary college students.
Besides, I often use the convenience brought by the Internet to pay attention to the latest developments in science and technology, especially in this field. Keep yourself following the latest trend of development and the pace of the times. So I learn to grasp the control and installation system of Windows, Office and so on, and be familiar with the design of web pages.
We have learned systematically and systematically, and achieved excellent results. During the period of school, I am eager to study, hard and hard, hard work, work conscientiously, sum up in time; pay attention to theory and practice, cultivate self-study ability and ability to analyze and solve problems. Actively participate in the practice activities inside and outside the school, attach importance to the team spirit of cooperation; as a student union cadre, I have strong organizational, propaganda, governance and adaptability; have a high sense of responsibility and good interpersonal relationship.
In the excellent completion of the tasks given by the superior, it is also able to organize and mobilize the students enthusiasm in organizing and carrying out some meaningful activities in the school, and exercise and improve their organizational and leadership skills. It shows strong ability to cooperate closely with people and good adaptability to environment, and is well recognized by classmates, teachers and leaders.
In the daily life, with the positive attitude and the very harmonious coexistence with the students, the welcome of the students and the ability to communicate with them. As an ambitious young man, I resolutely uphold the leadership of China * * * and adhere to the four basic principles. We should conscientiously learn Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong thought, * * * theory and implement the important thought of Three Represents in a comprehensive way, and have been close to the party organization.
My year of learning is a small part of my life, and through systematic and theoretical learning, I have learned a lot of knowledge, and more importantly, how to grasp a new thing at a faster speed, a lot of ideas and more perseverance. Now I am confident that I will accept any new challenges and challenges.
I hope that all of you can see my diligence and effort from my campus life, and I believe I will be more well nurtured in the career of the company. Thank you.
【简单英文自我介绍面试】我于****年*月以优异的成绩考进河北职业技术学院 。*年的校园生活,使我自身的综合素质、修养、为人处事能力以及交际能力等都有了质的奔腾;让我懂得了除学习以外的个人处事能力的重要性和交际能力的必要性 。大学生活与社会生活是相互映射,所以大学阶段的个人综合素质与能力的培养、进步;才是我们作为当代大学生的主题 。
除此之外,课余时间我经常利用网络带来的便利,关注最新科学技术动态;尤其是有关本专业的知识 。使自己始终紧跟世界最新发展潮流和时代的步伐 。因此我学习熟练把握Windows、Office等软件的操纵和安装系统,熟悉网页设计;一直以一专多能,全面发展来严格要求自己,勤奋拼搏、刻苦好学 。
踏实并系统地学习所开的课程知识,并取得了优异成绩 。在校期间,我虚心求学、刻苦认真、吃苦刻苦,工作兢兢业业,及时总结;注重理论联系实际,培养自己的自学能力以及分析、解决题目的能力 。积极参加校内外的实践活动,重视团队合作精神;作为系学生会干部的我,有较强的组织、宣传、治理和应变能力;有高度的责任心和良好的人际关系 。