解说 江南居士款《水浒英雄108将》即将出现罗斯柴尔德春拍
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解说 江南居士款《水浒英雄108将》即将出现罗斯柴尔德春拍// //
水浒英雄108将 , 长310cm , 宽30cm
江南居士水浒英雄图内容:内容源之中国最优秀长篇小说之一《水浒传》 , 主要是以梁山好汉为主的故事 , 当时的好汉们因为官府的欺压和腐败不得不落草为寇与官兵对抗 , 108个好汉 , 各个角色鲜明、有特点 。 此作品的作者为江南居士 , 整幅作品人物刻画栩栩如生 , 画工淋漓尽致 , 为历史上不可多得的书画作品 。
解说 江南居士款《水浒英雄108将》即将出现罗斯柴尔德春拍// //
话说北宋仁宗年间 , 瘟疫横行 , 人民离乱 。 仁宗不忍百姓遭受疾苦 , 遂派遣洪太尉 , 前往江西龙虎山迎请张天师祈禳瘟疫 。 谁知洪太尉狂傲自大 , 与张天师对面错失 , 更强开伏魔宝殿 , 放走了镇压于此三十六天罡七十二地煞 。 转眼到了徽宗年间 , 举朝上下随是一派和气光景 , 然当朝天子无心政要 , 耽于玩乐;朝中更有蔡京、高俅之流弄权作势、颠倒黑白 , 陷害无数忠良 。 由着智取生辰纲这一事由 , 天王晁盖、及时雨松江、入云龙公孙胜等一干侠义之士显现江湖 。 日后更与一百单八头目聚义梁山 , 搅得赵家天下无一宁日……
水浒英雄108将是根据上位天罡星三十六星 , 下位地煞星七十二星来排定:
天罡星 三十六员:
天魁星 呼保义宋江
天罡星 玉麒麟卢俊义
天机星 智多星吴用
天闲星 入云龙公孙胜
天勇星 大刀关胜
天雄星 豹子头林冲
天猛星 霹雳火秦明
天威星 双鞭呼延灼
天英星 小李广花荣
天贵星 小旋风柴进
天富星 扑天雕 李应
天满星 美髯公 朱仝
天孤星 花和尚 鲁智深
天伤星 行者武松
天立星 双抢将董平
天捷星 没羽箭张清
天暗星 青面兽杨志
天佑星 金抢手徐宁
天空星 急先锋索超
天速星 神行太保戴宗
天异星 赤发鬼刘唐
天杀星 黑旋风李逵
天微星 九纹龙史进
天究星 没遮拦穆弘
天退星 插翅虎雷横
天寿星 混江龙李俊
天剑星 立地太岁阮小二
天平星 船火儿张横
天罪星 短命二郎阮小五
天损星 浪里白条张顺
天败星 活阎罗阮小七
天牢星 病关索扬雄
天慧星 拼命三郎石秀
天暴星 两头蛇解珍
天哭星 双尾蝎解宝
天巧星 浪子燕青
地魁星 神机军师朱武
地煞星 镇三山黄信
地勇星 病尉迟孙立
地杰星 丑郡马宣赞
地雄星 井木犴郝思文
地威星 百胜将韩滔
地英星 天目将彭玘
地奇星 圣水将单廷圭
地猛星 神火将魏定国
地文星 圣手书生萧让
地正星 铁面孔目裴宣
地阔星 摩云金翅欧鹏
地阖星 火眼狻猊邓飞
地强星 锦毛虎燕顺
地暗星 锦豹子杨林
地轴星 轰天雷凌振
地会星 神算子蒋敬
地佐星 小温侯吕方
地佑星 赛仁贵郭盛
地灵星 神医安道全
地兽星 紫髯伯皇甫端
地微星 矮脚虎王英
地慧星 一丈青扈三娘
地暴星 丧门神鲍旭
地然星 混世魔王樊瑞
地猖星 毛头星孔明
地狂星 独火星孔亮
地飞星 八臂哪吒项充
地走星 飞天大圣李衮
地巧星 玉臂匠金大坚
地明星 铁笛仙马麟
地进星 出洞蛟童威
地退星 翻江蜃童猛
地满星 玉幡竿孟康
地遂星 通臂猿侯健
地周星 跳涧虎陈达
地隐星 白花蛇杨春
地异星 白面郎君郑天寿
地理星 九尾龟陶宗旺
地俊星 铁扇子宋清
地乐星 铁叫子乐和
地捷星 花项虎龚旺
地速星 中箭虎丁得孙
地镇星 小遮拦穆春
地嵇星 操刀鬼曹正
地魔星 云里金刚宋万
地妖星 摸着天杜迁
地幽星 病大虫薛永
地伏星 金眼彪施恩
地僻星 打虎将李忠
地空星 小霸王周通
地孤星 金钱豹子汤隆
地全星 鬼脸儿杜兴
地短星 出林龙邹渊
地角星 独角龙邹润
地囚星 旱地忽律朱贵
地藏星 笑面虎朱富
地平星 铁臂膊蔡福
地损星 一枝花蔡庆
地奴星 催命判官李立
地察星 青眼虎李云
地恶星 没面目焦挺
地丑星 石将军石勇
地数星 小尉迟孙新
地阴星 母大虫顾大嫂
地刑星 菜园子张青
地壮星 母夜叉孙二娘
地劣星 活闪婆王定六
地健星 险道神郁保四
地耗星 白日鼠白胜
地贼星 鼓上蚤时迁
地狗星 金毛犬段景住
解说 江南居士款《水浒英雄108将》即将出现罗斯柴尔德春拍// //
作品突出水浒人物的豪放气和山野气 , 别开生面 。 每个人物都栩栩如生 , 十分传神 , 人物表情、动作均十分契合作品中描写的人物性格 。
解说 江南居士款《水浒英雄108将》即将出现罗斯柴尔德春拍// //
人物造型采取夸张手法 , 因意写像 , 扣合人物的出身、地位、性格等不同特点 , 求取似与不似之间 , 对线条的组合删繁就简 , 追求单纯朴拙 , 表现出“梁山好汉”的旷达、强悍、豪放的性格 , 体现了东方艺术崇尚阳刚之气的美感 。
解说 江南居士款《水浒英雄108将》即将出现罗斯柴尔德春拍// //
Jiangnan Jushi Shuihu Heroic Map Content: The Water Margin, one of the best Chinese novels, is mainly about the heroes of Liangshan. At that time, the heroes had to fight against the officers and soldiers because of the oppression and corruption of the government. 108 heroes had distinct roles and characteristics. The author of this work is a Buddhist monk in the south of the Yangtze River. The whole work is vividly portrayed and vividly painted. It is a rare painting and calligraphy in history.
In the reign of Renzong in the Northern Song Dynasty, plague prevailed and the people were in disorder. Renzong could not bear the suffering of the people, so he sent Lieutenant Hong to Longhu Mountain in Jiangxi Province to invite Zhang Tianshi to pray for the plague. Who knows that Lieutenant Hong was arrogant and arrogant, lost face to Master Zhang Tianshi, opened the Voldemort Hall even more, and let go of the repression in the thirty-six days. In the reign of Huizong, there was a peaceful scene in the whole dynasty. However, when the emperor had no intention of being a politician, he was too busy playing. In the middle of the dynasty, Cai Jing and Gao Nizhi played power, reversed black and white, and framed innumerable loyalty. From the wisdom of the birth of this event, the King of Heaven Chaogai, timely rain Songjiang, into the Yunlong Gong Sun Sheng and other chivalrous people show up in Jianghu. In the future, he will gather with a hundred single heads and eight heads in Liangshan, which will stir up a peaceful day in Zhao's family.
Heroes 108 of the Marsh will be scheduled according to 36 stars of the upper and 72 stars of the lower.
解说 江南居士款《水浒英雄108将》即将出现罗斯柴尔德春拍// //
Thirty-six members of the Sky Star:
Tiankuixing Hubaoyi Songjiang
Yulin Lu Junyi
Tianji, Zhiduo and Wu Yong
Gong Sun Sheng of Cloud Dragon
Tianyongxing Dao Guansheng
Tianxiong Leopard Head Lin Chong
Heavenly Stars Thunderbolt Fire Qin Ming
Tianweixing's double-whip burning
Tianying Star Xiao Li Guanghua Rong
Tianguixing Small Cyclone Chaijin
Li Ying, a sculpture of Tianfuxing
Zhu Pei, the star-studded beard God
Heavenly Lonely Star Flower Buddhist monk Lu Zhishen
Wu Song
Tianli Star Dual Robber Dong Ping
Tianjie Star No Feather Arrow Zhang Qing
Yang Zhi, the Dark Star Blue Faced Beast
Tianyou Xingjin snatches Xu Ning
Sky Star Pioneer Suo Chao
Taibao Dai Zong
Alien Star Red Hair Ghost Liu Tang
Skykill Black Cyclone Li Kui
History of Nine-grain Dragon
Tianju Xing did not block Mu Hong
The sky retreats and the tiger flies with thunder and thunder
Tianshou Star Mixed River Dragon Li Jun
Tianjianxing Site Tai-yen Ruan Xiao-2
Balance Star Boat
Sin Star Erlang Ruan Xiaowu
White Strips in the Star Wave
Damage Star Live Yan Luoruan Xiaoqi
Solomon Yangxiong, the Patient of Tianlaoxing Disease
Comet desperately Sanlang Shixiu
Starburst Two Snakes Jiezhen
Crying Star Double-tailed Scorpion Jiebao
Tianqiao Star Prodigal Yanqing
Seventy-two Members of the Saturn:
Zhu Wu, Dikuixing Shenji Military Division
Sanshan Huangxin, Dishaxing Town
Lieutenant Chi Sun-li of Diyongxing Disease
Terrace Star, Ugly County, Ma Xuanzan
Hao Siwen
Diweixing Yusheng General Han Tao
Diying Star will be Peng Qian
Diqi Star Holy Water will be Shan Tinggui
Wei Dingguo
Xiao Rang, a local writer and calligrapher
Pei Xuan, the Iron Face of Gezheng Star
Ou Peng, the Golden Wing of the Earth's Broad Star Moyun
Dengfei, the eye of the earth and the stars
Geoqiang star Jinmao Tiger Yanshun
Poplar Forest, Brocade Leopard, Dark Star
Earth Axis Star Bombardment and Heavenly Thunder Rising Vibration
Jiang Jing, Operator of Earth Meeting and Star God
Dizoxin Xiaowenhou Lv Fang
Geyou Star Sairen Gui Guosheng
Earthly Spirit Star and Divine Medicine Safe Daoquan
Terrestrial Beast Star Purple Beard Bo Huang Fu Duan
Wang Ying, a dwarf tiger
Terrestrial Comet
Bo Xu, the God of the earth-bursting stars and the doorman
Fan Rui, the demon king of the earth and stars mixed world
Ground Running Stars, Ground Running Stars, Ground Running Stars, Ground Running Stars, Ground Running Stars, Ground Running Stars, Ground Runni
Mars is the only planet in the world.
The Eight Arms of the Earth Flying Star
Li Fan, the great saint of the earth and the stars flying in the sky
Geqiaoxing Jade Arm Craftsman Jin Dajian
Earth Star Marlin, Iron Flute Immortal
Coming in and out of the stars, Jiao Tongwei
The earth retreats to the stars and turns over the river to mirage Tong Meng
Hou Jian, a gibbon of Disuixing
Chen Da
Hidden Star White Snake Yang Chun
Gentleman Zheng Tianshou
Geographical star Tao Zongwang
Dijunxing Iron Fan Song and Qing Dynasties
Dilestar Tiejiao Zilehe
Tiger Gong Wang of Dijie Star
Arrow Tiger Ding Desun in the Geostationary Velocity Star
Mu Chun is blocked by the stars of the town.
Cao Zheng
King Kong Songwan in the Earth Devil Nebula
The Devil Star Touched the Sky and Duqian
XUE YONG, THE GREAT Ghost OF Ghost Phytophthora
Golden Eye of Ground Volcano
Li Zhong, a remote star fighting tiger
Zhou Tong, the Little Overlord of the Earth and the Sky
Lonely Earth Star Money Leopard Tang Long
Du Xing
Short Stars Come Out in LongZouyuan
Zou Run, Unicorn
Land Prisoner Zhu Gui
Tiger Zhu Fu
Cai Fu, Iron Arm of the Horizon Star
Cai Qing, a Flower of the Earth Damage Star
Dinuxing urged Judge Li Li
Li Yun, a glaucomatous tiger in Gezhan
The earth's evil stars have no face.
General Shi Yong, Earth Ugly Starstone
Lieutenant Chi Sun-xin
Sister-in-law Gu, Mother Terrestrial Nebula
Zhang Qing, Divine Penalty Star Vegetable Garden
Dizhuang Star Mother Yefork Sun Erniang
Wang Dingliu
Dijianxing Dangerous Road Shenyubao IV
Ground Consumption Star, Day Rat, Baisheng
Ground thieves migrate when fleas are on the drum
Landscape dwelling of Golden Retriever
解说 江南居士款《水浒英雄108将》即将出现罗斯柴尔德春拍// //
The works highlight the boldness and outrage of the Water Margin characters and the wild atmosphere of the mountains. Every character is vivid and vivid. The expression and action of the characters are very consistent with the character described in the works.
Character modelling adopts exaggeration method, because of the different characteristics of freehand portrait, such as the origin, status and personality of the characters, seeking between similarities and differences, simplifying the combination of lines, pursuing simplicity and simplicity, showing the broad-minded, strong and bold character of "Liangshan hero", reflecting the aesthetic sense of masculinity advocated by Oriental art
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