
提示您,本文原题为 -- 美国精品拍卖:清代三帝钱

康熙通宝为清代钱币 , 铸于清圣祖康熙年间(1662年~1722年) 。 面文“康熙通宝”以真书直读 。

Kangxi Tongbao was coined in the Qing Dynasty during the reign of Emperor Kangxi (1662-1722). "Kangxi Tongbao" is read directly from a real book.

乾隆通宝是乾隆时期的流通货币 , 乾隆皇帝在位的60年里施展其“文治武功”的治国策略 , 创造了封建社会里最后一个辉煌盛世 , 之后民间便盛传佩带“乾隆通宝”铜钱可驱灾辟邪 , 又因乾隆二字谐音“钱隆”而备受后世藏家所喜爱的钱币 。 该钱币铸于清高宗乾隆年间(1736-1795年) , 背面的满文比较复杂 , 上面有很详细的价格和钱币拓片 。

Emperor Qianlong Tongbao was the currency in circulation during the Qianlong period. During his 60 years in power, Emperor Qianlong carried out his strategy of ruling the country with "literary and martial arts" and created the last glorious prosperity in feudal society. After that, it was widely spread among the people that wearing "Qianlong Tongbao" copper coin could drive away evil spirits, and it was also favored by later collectors because of the two-character homophonic "Qianlong". The coin was coined during the reign of Emperor Qianlong (1736-1795) in Qing Dynasty. The Manchu language on the back of the coin is more complex, with detailed prices and rubbings on it.

道光通宝是中国古代钱币之一 , 铸于清宣宗道光年间(1821年-1850年) 。

Daoguang Tongbao, one of the ancient coins in China, was coined in the reign of Daoguang of Xuanzong in the Qing Dynasty (1821-1850).

康熙 , 乾隆 , 道光通宝 , 顾名思义就是在康熙 , 乾隆 , 道光年间铸成并在清代流通的货币 。 作为我国的古代钱币之一 , 康熙 , 乾隆 , 道光通宝是非常具有考古价值的文物 。 由于当时社会秩序相对稳定 , 经济发展迅速 , 并且世界各地通商贸易频繁 , 货币经济也十分的发达 。 所以康熙 , 乾隆 , 道光年间的钱币通常都铸造得非常精致 , 因此康熙通宝也具有一定的艺术价值 。 下令在全国开设了大大小小总共二十四处铸钱局 。 如今的康熙通宝根据重量分为大中小三种类别 , 这主要是因为当时由于成本以及私铸的问题造成了康熙通宝不同重量的情况 。 康熙通宝的背文也各有不同 , 这也是影响当今康熙通宝价值的主要因素之一 。


美国精品拍卖:清代三帝钱// //

Kangxi, Qianlong and Daoguang Tongbao, as their names imply, were coined and circulated in the Qing Dynasty during the reign of Kangxi, Qianlong and Daoguang. As one of the ancient coins in China, Kangxi, Qianlong and Daoguang Tongbao are very archaeological relics. At that time, the social order was relatively stable, the economic development was rapid, and trade was frequent all over the world, and the monetary economy was also very developed. Therefore, the coins of Kangxi, Qianlong and Daoguang years are usually very exquisitely minted, so the Tongbao of Kangxi also has certain artistic value. A total of 24 money-making bureaus, large and small, were ordered to be set up throughout the country. Today, Kangxi Tongbao is divided into three categories according to its weight, which is mainly due to the cost and the problem of private casting at that time, resulting in different weights of Kangxi Tongbao. The backgrounds of Kangxi Tongbao are also different, which is one of the main factors affecting the value of Kangxi Tongbao today.

一般来说 , 背文是满文的康熙 , 乾隆 , 道光通宝乃来自朝廷工部与户部所设立的宝泉和宝源两处铸钱局 。 而有其他铸钱局铸造的康熙 , 乾隆 , 道光通宝的背文常在左边做满文 , 右边则是与之对应的汉文 。 有趣的是 , 专家们将各处康熙 , 乾隆 , 道光通宝背文上的局名编成了一首押韵又顺口的背文诗以方便日后的研究与收藏 。

Generally speaking, the backword is Kangxi, Qianlong and Daoguang Tongbao in Manchu. They are from Baoquan and Baoyuan, two money-making bureaus set up by the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Household Affairs. The backgrounds of Kangxi, Qianlong and Daoguang Tongbao coined by other money-making bureaus are often written in Manchu on the left and corresponding in Chinese on the right. Interestingly, experts compiled the names of the bureaus on the backs of Kangxi, Qianlong and Daoguang Tongbao into a rhyming and smooth backword poem to facilitate future research and collection.

我国各个时期的古钱币经历了风风雨雨四千年前史的检测 , 源源不绝 , 琳琅满目 , 其形状各异 , 种类众多 , 发明了七十多项世界之最 , 这是世界上任何一个国家都无法比拟的 。 我国古钱币在它绵长的开展过程中已逐步形成了独具特色的东方钱币文明系统 , 因此它的价值被越来越多的人所发现 , 古钱币也被越来越多的人所收藏 。

Ancient coins in various periods of our country have undergone a history of four thousand years. They are endless and colorful. They have different shapes and many kinds. They invented more than seventy of the world's best coins, which is unparalleled in any country in the world. Chinese ancient coins have gradually formed a unique Oriental coin civilization system in its long development process, so its value has been found by more and more people, and the ancient coins have also been collected by more and more people.

随着收藏热的不断升温 , 在古玩市场 , 古钱币的收藏投资正以独特的魅力吸引着广大投资爱好者 , 各地钱币拍卖会也时常传出珍稀古钱币拍卖价格屡创新高的消息 , 社会上的各路人马及各种游资也想参与到古钱币的收藏投资中来 , 然而古钱币的收藏投资不像人民币那样直观 , 投资古钱币有些事项也是值得注意的 。

With the increasing popularity of collecting, in the antique market, the investment of collecting ancient coins is attracting the vast number of investment enthusiasts with its unique charm, and the news that the auction price of precious ancient coins has often been innovative in various coin auctions around the world. People and horses from all walks of life in society also want to participate in the investment of collecting ancient coins. However, the investment of collecting ancient coins is unlike that of Renminbi. That's intuitive. It's worth noting some things about investing in ancient coins.

目前藏品持有人欲将此珍品结缘于有缘之士 , 参加2019年英国伦敦全球巡回拍卖会 , 有兴趣可预约贵宾名额 , 一览珍品风采!

At present, the holders of collections want to associate this treasure with those who have a good fortune to participate in the global auction in London, UK in 2019. They are interested in searching the official website of make an appointment for VIPs and have a glimpse of the treasures.