
提示您,本文原题为 -- “原则”是“principle”还是“principal”?看了你就明白了

The words principle and principal are pronounced in the same way but they do not have the same meaning.

Principle和principal发音相同并且都是名词 , 但是它们的意思却完全不同

Principal Principal is a noun meaning chief or head.

principal是一个名词 , 意为“首领”或“领导” 。

"The principal of the middle school was strict but kind."

这所中学的校长很严厉 , 但也很和蔼 。

It can also be an adjective meaning highest in rank:

它也可以是一个形容词 , 意思是“最主要的” 。

"The president plays the principal role in governing the country."

总统在治理国家中起着主要作用 。

Principle Principle is only a noun and generally refers to a natural, moral, legal rule or standard.

Principle只是一个名词 , 一般指自然的、道德的、法律的规则或标准 。

"Students must follow the basic principles of good behavior."

学生必须遵守行为准则 。

Remember the Difference

A great way to remember the differences between principle versus principal is found in the last three letters of each word.

记住principle和principal的区别的一个好方法主要在每个单词的最后三个字母 。

Someone who is a “princi-P-A-L” should be looked at as your “pal.” Only people can be “pals” and principal refers to people, whereas “princi-P-L-E” refers to truths, rules, or standards. A truth or standard cannot be your “pal.”

“princi-P-A-L”应该被视为你的“pal(朋友)” 。 只有人可以成为“pals” , principal指的是人 , 而“princi-P-L-E”指的是真理、规则或标准 。 真理或标准不能成为你的“pal” 。

You can also remember the mnemonic, “The principal has his principles.”

你也可以记住这样一句话:校长有他的原则 。