
提示您,本文原题为 -- “祈祷”是“pray”还是“prey”?



“祈祷”是“pray”还是“prey”?// //

v. 祈祷;恳求;央求

a verb meaning to petition, thank, or converse with a deity

一个动词 , 意思是祈求、感谢或与神交谈

The little girl knelt by her bed to pray.

小女孩跪在床边祈祷 。



“祈祷”是“pray”还是“prey”?// //

n. 牺牲者;被捕食的动物;捕食

Prey is a noun meaning a person or animal that is hunted.

一个名词 , 意思是被捕猎的人或动物

Mice are a common prey of owls.


v. 捕食;掠夺;折磨

Prey is also a verb meaning to seize or devour or to exert a harmful influence

作为动词 , 表示占有 , 吞噬或施加有害的影响

Owls sometimes prey upon squirrels and rabbits.


Here is a helpful trick to remember prey vs. pray.


Both of these words are verbs, but only prey is also a noun. Hence, if you are using the word as a noun, you should spell it prey.

这两个词都可以是动词 , 但是只有prey能作名词 。 所以 , 如果你要用的那个词是个名词 , 那肯定就是prey 。

As verbs, the situation is less simple. Pray is used in the context of worship, whereas prey is used in the context of food.

动词的时候就没那么简单了 。 pray作为动词通常用于宗教或者信仰层面 , 而prey则和食物相关 。

You can remember to use pray when you are worshiping someone since pray is spelled with the letter A. This letter is also used to spell the name of the Greek goddess of wisdom, Athena. By remembering the name of this particular deity, you can remember the appropriate usage cases for the verb pray.

当你崇拜某人时 , 你记住是pray , 并且这个单词里的A , 可以当作是希腊智慧女神Athena(雅典娜)的代表 。 记住这个神的名字 , 你就能记住动词pray的正确用法 。