
提示您,本文原题为 -- 都知道万圣节 , 但你知道万圣节是怎么来的吗?



Halloween is primarily marked by putting on a disguise and asking for candy, but Halloween draws on two historic celebrations: the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain and the Christian holiday All Saints’ Day.

万圣节的主要特点是乔装打扮和索要糖果 , 但万圣节有两个历史性的庆祝活动:古代凯尔特人的萨温节和诸圣节(天主教、圣公宗、东正教的节日) 。

The spooky festival’s name, however, comes from only one.

然而 , 这个鬼节的名字却只有一个来源 。

Why is it called Halloween?



都知道万圣节 , 但你知道万圣节是怎么来的吗?// //

Samhain is an Celtic word that some scholars think means “summer’s end,” and it marks the beginning of winter at the end of the harvest season. It was celebrated around November 1 when, it was believed, the dead arose for one night. OK, things are starting to sound familiar …

萨温节是一个凯尔特词汇 , 一些学者认为它是指“夏季的结束” , 标志着冬季的开始 , 也是收获季节的结束 。 在每年的11月1日左右 , 人们会庆祝这一天 , 据说死者会在这一天的晚上起床 。 好吧 , 事情听起来有点熟悉了…


都知道万圣节 , 但你知道万圣节是怎么来的吗?// //

The other celebration, All Saints’ Day, honors all of the Christians saints. The Roman Catholic Church sometimes refers to it as the Solemnity of All Saints. Though this celebration does not bear a close resemblance to the festivities of Halloween (though historians say it is observed in Britain and Ireland on November 1 to replace or coincide with Samhain), it did give the holiday its name.

另一个庆祝活动——诸圣节 , 纪念所有的基督教徒圣人 。 罗马天主教会有时称它为所有圣徒的庄严 。 尽管这个节日与万圣节的庆祝活动没有相似之处(尽管历史学家说英国和爱尔兰在11月1日庆祝这个节日 , 以取代或与Samhain(萨温节)重合) , 但它确实给了这个节日一个名字 。


都知道万圣节 , 但你知道万圣节是怎么来的吗?// //

The word Halloween is a direct derivation of All Saints’ Day. An old name for All Saints’ Day is All Hallows (or Allhallows), with hallow meaning “holy person; saint.” And, the night before All Hallows Even (meaning Eve). The phrase became shortened and the V became elided, yielding Halloween, and which is why Hallowe’en is sometimes so spelled (to note the missing V). Halloween is recorded in the mid-1500s.

Halloween这个词是All Saints ' Day的直接派生词 。 All Saints’ Day的旧名是All Hallows(或Allhallows) , hallow意为“圣人”;圣徒” 。 甚至也可代表万圣节前夜 。 这个短语被缩短了 , V被省略了 , 于是就有了Halloween , 这就是为什么Hallowe 'en有时也被拼写成这样(注意漏掉的V) 。 万圣节起源于16世纪中期 。


都知道万圣节 , 但你知道万圣节是怎么来的吗?// //



elide[??la?d]是动词 , 意为“忽略 , 省略” 。

He complained about BBC announcers eliding their words.

他抱怨说 , 英国广播公司播音员把他们的话略去了 。