提示您,本文原题为 -- 精品推荐:大清乾隆年制款芦雁描金双耳尊
乾隆 一朝六十年 , 是清代封建社会发展的鼎盛时期 , 瓷器生产取得了空前的繁荣 , 瓷器烧造也达到了登峰造极的程度 。 此时 , 景德镇御窑厂规模庞大 , 在督陶官的管理下 , 每年烧造各种瓷器都在数十万以上 , 烧出的瓷器无论是工艺技巧还是装饰艺术都已达到了炉火纯青的地步 。
The sixty years of Qianlong Dynasty were the heyday of the feudal society in the Qing Dynasty, and porcelain production was unprecedentedly prosperous, and porcelain firing reached its peak. At this time, the Royal kiln factory in Jingdezhen is of a large scale. Under the supervision of the governor of pottery, the porcelain products are firing over hundreds of thousands of kilns a year. The porcelain burnt out has reached the stage of perfect technology, whether in craft or decoration art.
精品推荐:大清乾隆年制款芦雁描金双耳尊// //
正面照乾隆官窑青花瓷既与清幽的康熙青花有别 , 又与淡雅的雍正青花不同 , 它是以纹饰繁密、染画工整、造型新奇取胜 。 民窑青花种类丰富 , 色彩亮丽 , 画面多样 , 造型新奇 。 除传统的白地青花外 , 乾隆朝的青花还派生出许多新品种 , 把原有的传统工艺提高到一个崭新的阶段 。
The blue and white porcelain of Qianlong official kiln is different from the quiet blue and white flowers of Kangxi, and is different from the elegant blue and white flowers of Yong Zheng. There are many kinds of blue and white in folk kilns, with bright colors, various pictures and novel shapes. In addition to the traditional white ground blue and white, the Qianlong Dynasty blue and white also derived many new varieties, the original traditional technology to a new stage.
精品推荐:大清乾隆年制款芦雁描金双耳尊// //
该件器物 , 底书“大清乾隆年制”六字篆书款 。 尊敞口 , 口以下渐广 , 垂腹 , 圈足 。 通体施白釉 , 肩部两侧各有一螭耳 。 尊体绘芦雁 , 衬以河水芦、溪岸、等景物 。 画面中芦雁 , 或相望 , 或憩息 , 形态各异 。 画面芦雁芦草等多以酱釉搭配描金绘成 , 运用釉面的浓厚深浅来凸显芦雁的百态造型 , 整体芦雁活灵活现 , 枝干苍劲 , 笔绘生动细腻 。
brief introduction
Gao: 33cm
This article is based on the six-character seal inion "Qianlong Annual System of the Qing Dynasty". Respect openness, gradually widening below the mouth, hanging abdomen, circle foot. White glaze is applied to the whole body, and there is a stinging ear on both sides of the shoulder. Respect for body painting of geese and reeds, riverbanks, and other scenery. In the picture, the wild geese, or look at each other, or rest, have different shapes. The pictures of Lu Yan and reed are mostly painted with glazed glaze and painted with gold. The depth of the glaze is used to highlight the shape of the wild goose. The whole wild goose is vivid and delicate.
精品推荐:大清乾隆年制款芦雁描金双耳尊// //
芦雁描金双耳尊本件藏品将参加本单位举办的艺术品拍卖会 , 如果您有意竞拍请于我们联系 。
This collection will participate in the art auction held by our company. If you are interested in bidding, please contact us.
Library number: AC-1043
Name: Golden Geese with Golden Ears
Size: High: 33cm
Valuation: 2,200,000
精品推荐:大清乾隆年制款芦雁描金双耳尊// //
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