
提示您,本文原题为 -- 精品推荐:墨西哥鹰洋币(180度错位错版币)孙中山开国纪念币(上六星)

1911年12月29 日 , 经辛亥革命后 , 已光复的17省代表在南京推选孙中山为中华民国临时大总统 。 1912年1月3日 , 中华民国政府宣告成立 , 清朝灭亡 , 在中国持续2000 多年的封建君主专制随之结束 。 民国成立时 , 由于币制尚未建立 , 除四川改铸大汉银币 , 福建改铸中华元宝外 , 主要的造币厂 , 大都仍沿用前清钢模铸造银币 , 以供流通需要 。 由于币制混乱 , 临时政府财政部长陈锦涛 , 于民国元年3月11日呈文大总统孙中山 , 鼓铸1000万元纪念银币以为整顿 。 图案采用大总统孙中山肖像 , 以后的通用银币再改花纹式样 。 孙中山令财政部行文 , 同意鼓铸纪念币 , 并命令其余的通用银币新花纹 , “中间应绘五谷模型 , 取丰岁足民之义 , 垂劝农务本之规” , 训令财政部速制新模 , 分令各省造币厂照式鼓铸 。 不久 , 财政部就颁下新模给江南(南京)、湖北、广东等造币厂依式铸造 , 这就是“中华民国孙中山像开国纪念币”的由来 。

On December 29, 1911, after the Revolution of 1911, 17 provincial representatives who had recovered elected Sun Yat-sen as the interim president of the Republic of China in Nanjing. On January 3, 1912, the government of the Republic of China was proclaimed and the Qing Dynasty perished. The feudal monarchy which lasted for more than 2000 years in China ended. At the time of the founding of the Republic of China, because the currency system had not yet been established, besides Sichuan and Fujian, the main coin factories still used the former Qing steel mould to cast silver coins for circulation. Due to currency confusion, Chen Jintao, Minister of Finance of the Interim Government, presented Sun Yat-sen, President of Wenda, on March 11, the first year of the Republic of China, to coin 10 million yuan of commemorative silver coins for rectification. The design is based on the portrait of Sun Yat-sen, the great president. Later, the general silver coins were changed into patterns. Sun Yat-sen ordered the Ministry of Finance to make commemorative coins, and ordered the other common silver coins to be coined with new patterns. "In the middle, we should draw five grain models, take the meaning of being rich and full of the people, and advocate the rules of the farming industry." He instructed the Ministry of Finance to make new models quickly, and ordered the provincial mints to do the same. Soon after, the Ministry of Finance issued a new model for the mints of Jiangnan (Nanjing), Hubei and Guangdong, which is the origin of "Sun Yat-sen of the Republic of China like the founding commemorative coin".


精品推荐:墨西哥鹰洋币(180度错位错版币)孙中山开国纪念币(上六星) // //


精品推荐:墨西哥鹰洋币(180度错位错版币)孙中山开国纪念币(上六星) // //

About hexagonal star format. In the 14 years of the Republic of China, the National Government was established in Guangzhou. In the 15 years of the Republic of China, it moved to Wuhan. In the 16 years of the Republic of China (1927 AD), it was the capital of Nanjing. In commemoration of Sun Yat-sen's great achievements, the money coined by the Central Committee was made with the image of the father of the country. In 16 and 17 years of the Republic of China, the Mints of Nanjing and Tianjin re-coined the commemorative coin of the founding of the Sun image of the Republic of China. The front and back of the silver dollar are basically the same as the former, while the left and right sides are divided into hexagonal stars. It weighs 27 grams. Because of the regular pattern on the front and back of the coin, there are no errors in Chinese and English, and the setting of hexagonal stars, it is called the ordinary hexagonal star edition. Because of the small circulation at that time, the current stock is less, which has a high collection value.

墨西哥鹰洋币 , 又称“墨西哥银圆” , 是墨西哥于1823年开始铸造、流通的8里亚尔银币 。 1845年开始流入中国 , 因其拥有含银量高、规格统一、不易磨损等众多优点 , 很快地融入中国市场 , 这也是晚清、民国年间中国流通外币中最多的一种 , 蕴含浓厚的历史价值 。 而墨西哥鹰洋错版币因没有在市场流通 , 更是其中罕见的珍品 , 万中无一 , 具有非常高的收藏价值和投资价值 。


精品推荐:墨西哥鹰洋币(180度错位错版币)孙中山开国纪念币(上六星) // //


精品推荐:墨西哥鹰洋币(180度错位错版币)孙中山开国纪念币(上六星) // //

Mexican Eagle Dollar, also known as "Mexican Silver Dollar", is an 8-rial silver coin that was minted and circulated in Mexico in 1823. It began to flow into China in 1845. Because of its many advantages such as high silver content, uniform specifications and not easy to wear and tear, it quickly merged into the Chinese market. This is also the most foreign currency circulated in China during the late Qing and Republic of China, which contains a strong historical value. Mexican Eagle-Ocean counterfeit coins, which are not circulated in the market, are rare treasures, none of which has a very high collection value and investment value.


精品推荐:墨西哥鹰洋币(180度错位错版币)孙中山开国纪念币(上六星) // //

展出的藏品为“墨西哥鹰海洋正币” , 重26.6克 , 正面为墨西哥国徽标志上的鹰图案 , 边缘为“墨西哥共和国”中的西班牙“墨西哥共和国”字样;背面为西班牙“L”字样的帽形图案 。 “自由书”中的“伊比利塔” , 它发出不同长度的光柱 , 底部是一颗五边形的星星和8R(面值) 。 等等 。 珍贵的是 , 银币整体状况良好 , 图案和文字仍清晰可见 , 没有丢失现象 。

The collection on display is "Mexican Eagle Ocean Correct Currency", weighing 26.6g. On the front is the eagle pattern on the Mexican national emblem sign, and on the edge is the Spanish word "REPUBLIKA MEXIKANA" in the words "Republic of Mexico"; on the back is a cap pattern of the Spanish word "LIBERTAD" in the words of "free book", which emits light columns of varying lengths, and on the bottom is a pentagonal star and 8R (face value). And so on. It is precious that the whole silver coins are in good condition, and the patterns and characters are still clearly visible, and there is no loss phenomenon.


精品推荐:墨西哥鹰洋币(180度错位错版币)孙中山开国纪念币(上六星) // //

在良好的条件下 , 背部是倒置的 。 墨西哥的铸币历史可以追溯到16世纪 。 墨西哥免费帽海鹰图片 , 花边 , 正面主要图片是一只翼鹰 , 嘴长蛇 , (蛇尾和鹰翅相连)一条腿站在仙人掌(国花) 。 《墨西哥共和国》一书是用西文写成的 。 在背面的主画面中央是一个自由的软帽子 , 帽子周围有32根不同长度的光柱 。 这枚钱币是极为罕见的错版之一 , 具有极高的收藏价值 。

In good condition, the back is inverted. Mexico's coinage history can be traced back to the 16th century. Mexico's free-cap picture of Eagle Ocean, lace, front main picture is a wing eagle, mouth long snake, (snake tail and eagle wings connected) one-legged standing on cactus (national flower). The book "REPUBLICAMEXICANA (Republic of Mexico)" is written in western on the edge. In the center of the main picture on the back is a free soft cap with 32 light pillars of different lengths radiating around the cap. This coin is one of the rare wrong editions, and has a very high collection value.

目前藏品持有人欲将此珍品结缘于有缘之士 , 参加2019年美国高端精品拍卖会 , 有兴趣可预约贵宾名额 , 一览珍品风采!

At present, the holders of collections want to tie this treasure to those who have good luck to participate in the 2019 American high-end boutique auction. They are interested in appointing VIPs to have a look at the elegance of the treasures.